Anyone have positive experience trying to breastfeed??


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2007
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Ive read quite alot about breastfeeding but most of what i have read have been quite bad/negative experiences.
Most people have said it hurt (even if the baby latches properly) or they had problems latching on or they didnt have enough milk etc etc. I really want to breastfeed but am quite put off by other peoples experiences.
I find the whole thing very confusing about feeding, when to feed, how long to feed, engorged breasts, draining your breasts, expressing milk and when and how etc etc :shock: :shock:
Did anyone find it plain sailing at all with no or little problems? :?
Thankyou :hug:
I would say we had a positive experience - it hurt, it was hard, it took us both a while to get the hang of it, there were times I wanted to stop - but it has still been a very positive experience and I would do it again everytime.

Personally I feel the idea from certian midwives and groups (eg NCT) that breastfeeding is easy and painless is a reason why many mums don't continue. We are sold this image of mother and child blissfully feeding from day one with none of the realities that accompany this difficult and demanding task. It is no wonder that when a new mum cannot live up to the image in her head she feels a failure and wants to stop.

Lots of things in life are hard but worth it, breastfeeding is just one of them - just remember that you can do it! and if you do you will never regret it.
Well, I had a section, yet Willow had latched on within 15 minutes, there was a bit of perfecting needed ofc, and the usual sore breasts, blistered nipples etc, but i wasn't going to let a little pain stop me :lol: and we had it sorted pretty soon, still breastfeeding at 9 months and show no sign of stopping-I've never once had to resort to formula despite being back at full time educatio since baby was 5 months- bf has been a wonderfully rewarding experience and I am so glad I chose to do it!
OK, its not been plain sailing for me, but not for any of the reasons above :lol:

I've been lucky and Galen has latched well since birth, feeds well but is very demanding for booby time :lol: He loves his grub. Which is very tiring for me often. My nipples have been fine, are not sore and I've not had to break out the nipple cream as yet :lol:

My milk came in after about 3 days. As it did, Galen had 48 hours where he seemed to feed non stop and I was shattered from his demands. I was finding one breast was not enough and we had some epic long feeds where he would stop and start and it took a few hours. Almost as soon as he was done, fell asleep, he would wake and want to feed all over again. I spent almost 11 hours on the bed one day feeding.

Now my milk is in fully, I have no problem with him and he fills up within 45 minutes usually now. Given a chance though he would stay on my boob for hours and just keep topping up. Not happening now though as we have made changes and so far so good with things.

I feed one boob at a time, for as long as he wants to feed for. When he starts doing the sucking without swallowing for longer than a few minutes is when I slip him off, or else he comes off on his own.

Its just been a case of finding a way to work things so he comes off my breast after a feed rather than staying on it.

I usually do the following now from when he wakes after a sleep

Let him wake on his own and give him time to come round before saying anything or picking him up. Then I change his nappy and if he gets grumpy comfort him a while. He never goes onto my breast wailing or grumpy. I try to encourage him to be relaxed before feeding as it means he is not so desparate to feed. Once on, I talk to him (during day) keep him feeding and try to not let him doze off at all. Once sated he is off and then its down time be it to sleep again, or have some time on the play mat, with me or Daddy and so on. Night time is more or less the same only in almost total darkness, no talking or fussing, feed and back down in the crib.
Gabrielle is not great at latching on but she manages if I wear a nipple shield. Because it was a week before I thought of trying a nipple shield we'd got into the habit of me expressing milk and her drinking that from a bottle. So I offer her a breast if my nipples are not sore and stop when they get sore. And top up with expressed milk or just feed her that in the first place.

I find this to be a very positive experience. I still have pain from the episiotomy and labial tear so I don't really want to add to it and don't feel I have to. It also means I can get extra sleep at times and OH can feed her too :D
I was lucky and really had no problems at all. She latched on straightaway and I never had sore cracked or blistered nipples, or ran out of milk. I did have blocked ducts a couple of times but these went away with continued feeding and a massage in the shower.
It was hard a couple of weeks in when she had a growth spurt and wanted feeding all the time - it was pretty tiring, but to be honest I think it would have been just as much work to sterilise and prepare bottles, the amount she was gulping down! :)
I was lucky with it too and with the right support and advice you'll sail through breastfeeding. I really enjoyed the experience, LO latched on well and I never once thankfully suffered with sore/cracked nipples. It took a few feeds to start to get used to doing it (I'm a first time mum, no previous experience) and I'd get upset with the leaking at first till the milk regulated itself and waking up soaked in bed etc but it prooved worth while I fed DS for quite a while and loved it. Give it a go and don't be afraid to ask questions and get the midwives etc to help, they will encourage you and support/help you all the way. I loved feeding.
I didn't find it particularly easy last time and very niavely thought it would be so easy! However, i can't wait to do it all again!
I really didnt find it easy at all!!

She was getting the milk at first but i dont think she ever latched on properly as the midwife told me that it will hurt at first!! And it never did!!

Then Caitlyn started to scream and cry every time i put her near my breast after about 2 days of it going well!!

I felt really guilty in myself that i was unable to breastfeed my child as i was made to feel like breastfeeding is the only option and i felt breastfeedoing was the most natural thing in the world - so why then was i unable to do this one task!!

Im glad i tried it but also wish i would of taken the decision earlier to swap Caitlyn to formula and didnt put so much guilt on myself!!!

Good luck :hug: :hug:
I really didnt find it easy at all!!

She was getting the milk at first but i dont think she ever latched on properly as the midwife told me that it will hurt at first!! And it never did!!

Then Caitlyn started to scream and cry every time i put her near my breast after about 2 days of it going well!!

I felt really guilty in myself that i was unable to breastfeed my child as i was made to feel like breastfeeding is the only option and i felt breastfeedoing was the most natural thing in the world - so why then was i unable to do this one task!!

Im glad i tried it but also wish i would of taken the decision earlier to swap Caitlyn to formula and didnt put so much guilt on myself!!!

Good luck :hug: :hug:
it is hard but if u really really wanna succeed u will... theres lotsa support here- i was successful and i wont lie it kinda hurts for the first 2 days, ur nipples arent used to constant suckling after all its like contact lenses if u ever tried them- gritty eyes at first but ur eyes toughen up dont they? well ur nipples will too.
engorgement aches like the same way ur stomach aches when u eat too much food- just a full feeling, u relieve it by nursing, my baby was always happy to assist :lol:
its very hard to get used to finding a comfy position, being unsure if ur babys getting enough- and its draining those first 3 weeks when ur BFing for one hour or 90 minutes at a time- every 2 or 3 hours u feel like a milk machine :lol:
BUT- its the most wonderful bonding u can do with ur baby. and get thru the first month its plain sailing after that. im so glad i did it, i did it for 8 months and i miss it now.

best of luck if u really wanna do it! ask us lot for advice :hug: :hug: :hug:
just fished out my thread when i was pregnant similar to yours! i was (perhaps like you?) hoping for people to say "yes its easy!" but im glad i got honest answers because otherwise i mightve thought i was just rubbish at it if i'd been expecting it to be plain-sailing :) ... highlight=
im loving breastfeeding now. the hardest thing to begin with was the amount of time he'd spend on the boob, 16 hours non stop going from one to the other on day 2! once my milk came in it got better.

my nips did get a bit sore but not horrendous, and lanisoh cream sorted it right out. i never had a problem with engorgement, not surprising really considering how often he fed!

now he goes approx 2 hours during the day, he's on the boob almost constantly between 5pm and 10pm, then goes 3 or 4 hours between feeds at night.

i think he's going through a growth spurt at the moment cos he's been on the boobs almost constantly again today and had me up much more than usual last night.

i find a sling helps when he wants to feed at inconvenient moments, like when i have to pick james up from school, i can feed him on the move

i hope to carry on as long as possible, id be gutted if i had to switch to formula now, i love the closeness and find it quite empowering knowing im responsible for my babys weight gain
I've had a totally positive experience, we haven't had any problems. The only time that it was painful was when we got thrush but that cleared up in a few days with cream. Other than that he's latched on fine from birth, it's never been painful in the slightest and I haven't found it hard work at all :)

In the day he usually has a 10-15 minute feed every 2 hours (unless we're out, when he'll go for longer between feeds) and sleeps between 7 and 11 hours straight at night, so it's not always all that bad!
I breast and formula fed Isaac, so cannot speak as to exclusively BF'ing, but from my experience I have no complaints or negative experiences to share, I found it a positive and bonding experience :hug:
please dont be put off by other peoples experiences, it can be hard, but thats not to say its impossible. I reckon forewarned is fore armed and knowing that it might be tricky at first helped me to carry on when i might otherwise have just thought i couldnt do it well. Health proffessionals do give you a very rose-tinted view of how breast feeding should be - they are right it IS lovely but not always from the start and not all the time after, but it is soooo worth it.
I really didnt think i wanted to bf at all but gave it a go and I am so glad i have, being able to feed Eva whenever and wherever without taking tons of equipment out with us is great for a lazy girl like me! :lol:

good luck whatever you decide and check out the +ve posts as well - DebbieM wrote a great one recently, in feeding and nutrition i think, and i know there have been others too :hug:
I had NO problems whatsoever. I can't recommend it enough as you can't give your baby a better start in life. There's also a load of support out there if you're having trouble and I think that really too many people give up too quickly.
I had very few issues really - sore nips for a day or two when she wasn't latched on properly but it was overwhelmingly positive experience. The trick is to get the right support at the right time. I got the midwife to check the latch in hospital (I stayed 2 nights to make sure I got the hang of it) and when they visited afterwards. I also went to a breastfeeding cafe every week to meet other breastfeeding mums. I think staying relaxed is very important to success as well. Most people that give up aren't given the right advice or support. I would say be prepared for some difficulties, just in case, and know where to get the right support locally. This forum is also great - I doubt you could have any issue which has not been covered here!
It is definatly one of the best things I have done, and I can't wait to to it again (its even easier second time around I'm told!)
I've fed all 3 of mine and its been great :D

yes it does hurt a little AT FIRST but if you can get through that first difficult week/fortnight after that its the best thing ever!

if you're reading posts here and getting worried, yes some posts do seem negative but thats cos the forum is here to help with support and advice, we don't all start threads saying how well we are doing with the feeding, but many of us are doing great :D

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