Apples and Sour Skittles


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2008
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As the title suggests I am DEVOURING these at the minute:shock:

I've had 4 apples and at least half of a BIG bag of sour skittles.... and it's all I seem to want to eat. I'm making myself eat proper breakfasts, lunches and dinners but seriously..... all I want is sour skittles and apples. And they have to be really juicy sourish Braeburn apples too.... so weird. Tell me I'm not the only one :oooo:

When I was pregnant with my son all I wanted was oranges and cheese, - which was a lot healthier!! This baby has straaaange tastes!
I had a skittles phase for a couple of weeks too! I'm on apples and generally all fruit just now and have been since I stopped feeling so sick all the time, I like a granny smith though!
No cravings at all yet!!! But at least it's something nice, it could be sardines and jam!!! Xx:lol:
I havent had any cravings but I feel the need to pick and nibble at things all the time!
Rhubarb crumble and ice cream it was for me last week, i really had to have some lol.
It was strawberry starbursts for me x I'd buy a few bags of them and pick out all the strawberry ones :) xx
Pink lady apples for me. And also apple juice by the gallon. I don't even sip it, just gulp a whole glass full at a time. I'm going through about a carton a day. It's full of sugar so it's not great but I've gone off so much it's just nice to actually enjoy something.
I actually bought two lemons yesterday because I dreamt about sucking them and then I wanted some badly!!! Unfortunately I've left them at my parents house so I'm absolutely gutted :( Would love a piece right now.

I love sour things even when I'm not pregnant.
I've been craving practically everything. xxx
So it's not just me!!!! Wonderful!
9am over here and so far I've had 2 pieces of toast, an apple and a handful of skittles - if I'm not careful this baby will be rainbow coloured!!!!
For my first pregnancy I was addicted to beef hula hoops and mini chedders.

So far this time i cannot stop eating bbq chicken drumsticks and chicken satays I think i am going to give birth to a chicken lol
:rotfl: rainbow baby
Mmmm I LOVE chicken! Could eat a big roast chicken right now *drools*

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