Are these symptoms?


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2007
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I am 6-8 dpo (i think, could be a day or two more). I had sex before, during and after ovulation - lots of sex, lol.
The past two days i have had really bad heartburn and am farting like a maniac (sorry, lol). I also have mild fluttery feelings in my uterus and can't sleep at night due to being very hot. I feel tired during the day but not exhausted. My next period is due May 18.
Can anyone tell me if i am going insane or not. Are these pregnancy symptoms?
Thanks :)
i had a funny feeling in tum, hard to explain, very tired and wind...lots of. :oops: so could be! best of luck xxx
i nhad the tiredness, wind and hotness. also had painful boobs and a really light period when it was due. good luck :pray:
Thanks for your replies!
I had some odd feelings in my abdomen this evening, it was like a mild burning sensation on the left side. I also noticed i have lots of blue and purple veins on my chest. is this a symptom?
Hey notty,
Yeah i've heard the vein thing is a symptom,
When my sister was pregnant she had them all over.
Especailly on her boobs.
Good luck Notty :]
Let us know how it goes!!
:hug: Baby dust to you!
I have noticed veins in my boos too the past few days - I am sure they weren't there before
I am soooo tempted to do a test but at 8/9 dpo i'm not sure if it's worth it.... but i still want to!! :D
I also woke up last night at 3.20am with severe heartburn. I was awake for 3 hours and couldn't sleep. Plus today i have a headache :?
Thanks! :)
I will keep you updated. I plan to take my first test on Monday :pray:
oo me 2 good luck to you hope its a bfp for both of us :pray:
Good luck Jemz!!! Here's a :pray: for both of us! Keep me updated!
I tested today which is 10 dpo but it could be earlier and i got a BFN :(
Do you think i tested too early?
lol also tested today a bfn :(

suppose its still early......hoping plzzzzzz :pray:
lol i hate getting negatives, they make me think' what's the point'.
I have tingly breasts this afternoon and i'm working myself up again thinking maybe this is it?!! I am also very veiny and i am worried that i am turning into the blue veiny beastie of the glen. The thing is i have never noticed these veins before, maybe they have always been there and now i'm more in tune with my body it's only now (after 32 yrs) that i am noticing.
get this i thought it was a neg when i looked at it agen there was a very faint line i showed it to my family and they could see it also, was landed :), but later this afternoon ive started bleedin think it might be AF, it was brown at first but got a brighter colour (sorry tmi) not sure wot to think now, does anyone have an idea?
Wow Jemz that sounds promising. Maybe the bleeding is implantation bleeding which i believe varies with women. Give it two days and test again... or test tomorrow morning if you can. Good luck!! :pray: :D
will see if AF ? goes into full mode. i will test in a few days lol sorry

any updates with you?
Sounds good with you!

Well i have been experiencing all these in the last 6 days -

severe heartburn ongoing
veins errupting on my breasts, hips and top of my arms
weird dreams
hot flushes
and now today sore breasts.

I am aware that i am due on in four days and these could be period pains etc. I am trying to remain optimistic, lol.

Where abouts in Wales are you? I'm in Swansea.

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