Being "cut open" dureing labour?


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2006
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iv heard a few women now saying they were "cut open" dureing labour. I was just wondering where they actually cut and why and if any sort of pain relif is given? It just sounds a bit frightening to me. :oops:
ohhh wots it called wen they cut u to save u from tearing??
i think u may mean that
Hi Jenna

I had an episiotomy, where they need to make a cut down below to enable the baby to get out. I had a forceps delivery though becuase Olivia was "back to back" so she wouldn't have come out on her own. For me, a forceps delivery was much better than a c-section.

I was terrified of this before I actually went into labour but it's so true what everyone says... once you are in labour you really don't care what happens you just want to see the baby! When you're in hospital the midwives will come round every few hours and offer you painkillers and then when you are discharged you will be given painkillers to take home. I found the stitches sore for a couple of days but noway near what I had imagined. Lots of baths and tea tree oil and lavender oil helped and it was really ok.

Don't worry Jenna, you'll be fine

Yeah I had the same as Lucy , it's exactly as she describes, you really don't care at the time, it's better than tearing (I had a tear with my second and wished my MW cut me instead)
Plenty of people don't need an episiotomy though, they just have the baby and their bits go back to normal straight away.

Course, I'm not jealous of these people, nope, not me............. I'm not jealous at all :evil:
lol urchin i tore quite badley and i wish that id had the chance to have an epi.... lol
ooooh this post is making me feel queezy (sp???)
i never needed one and am very glad i didnt though i had ticked yes on the birth plan because an episiotomy is better than tearing

and lucy is right, oils are great to do some natural healing. i used cypress and lavender oils.

urchin, you may be envious but i think you're brave, so it balances matters out dont you think?! :wink:
pips said:
ooooh this post is making me feel queezy (sp???)
i never needed one and am very glad i didnt though i had ticked yes on the birth plan because an episiotomy is better than tearing

and lucy is right, oils are great to do some natural healing. i used cypress and lavender oils.

urchin, you may be envious but i think you're brave, so it balances matters out dont you think?! :wink:

:think: Let me think...........nope! :wink:
I was cut, and although it wasn't too bad at the time, it was horrible for the next couple of weeks. :(

I was breastfeeding so spending most of the time sat down, and that was increditbly painful. They were dissolvable stitches, but they didn't dissolve and I felt I was sitting on a pin cushion. The midwife had to remove them, and my screams coule be heard for miles. :shock:

Saying that, it is still better than tearing, and I know more now about how to take care of the stitches if I have to have another cut.
i tore, think it was worse than labour its self i want to be cut this time if needed!
they did have to me as i tore that badley i refused to go to theatre tho hehe
Hi Jenna,

I had to have an episiotomy because, like Lucy, my Jacob was back to back and very reluctant to come out whcih meant they attempted ventouse and eventually used forceps.

Unfortunately i tore from the cut which made it much more painful. There are degrees of tears and types of cut - most hospitals go diagonally towards your back passage so that it heals quicker and avoids damaging the perineal muscle.

I had a third degree tear (which does mean you tear inside the vaginal and anal muscle and outside the labia and anus) which is just one short of the worst apparently and although i was in pain for a couple of months and healing wasn't straight forward i am now healed and virtually back to 'normal'. Well as normal as any of us are after squeezing something the size of a melon through a lemon!

Like everyone has said. It's all so worth it and i can honestly say that it seems like a distant memory - and if it's the only way your little one wants to come out then they're the boss!

You'll be fine- just be aware of all the options and possibilities - that way anything less is a HUGE bonus :dance:

Juz xxx
I too had to be cut, the midwife said I didn't even flinch when she did it.

At the time you just go wiith the flow but I have to say it's so uncomfortable sitting down, nearly 2 weeks on. I can't wait for it to heal properly.
well my ideal birth would be at home, which i have looked into and as long as there is no complications it should be fine. I was just wondering wether they can do that with a home birth or not?
Just one thing to think about with home births. I spent most of my labour in water which was fab but it wasn't until after that a mw i hadn't met before expressed her beliefs about water births. She felt that just like a piece of paper if you soak the vaginal tissue in water for hours on end its going to get soggy and increase the risk of tearing.

Not scientific but made sense to me at the time.
Not really sure what they can and can't do with home births however after my experience of giving birth i wouldn't recommend it however this is only my opinion and eveyone is entitled to theres but if i had been at home with out a doubt i wouldn't be here today as i lost half of my bodys blood just going from delivery suite to theatre, i would have been dead before getting to hospital, don't want to frighten people but thats the reality of it, hope i haven't offended anyone with my opinion :) and wish you good luck if you do decide on this option :) oh as for being cut i didn't feel a thing at the time and after i used ice and it really helped :)
do you feel it when they cut it :|

ild never have a home birth :shakehead:

when i was in labour i was refusing to push as it was stinging, they gave my a injection into the bit between the fairy and the bum and they said it will numb it just like when you go the dentist, as that burning stinging pain is horrid :talkhand:

i must have a huge fairy though as i never tore or was cut :roll:
dionne said:
do you feel it when they cut it :|

ild never have a home birth :shakehead:

when i was in labour i was refusing to push as it was stinging, they gave my a injection into the bit between the fairy and the bum and they said it will numb it just like when you go the dentist, as that burning stinging pain is horrid :talkhand:

i must have a huge fairy though as i never tore or was cut :roll:

lol fairy :lol:

i think thats my biggest fear with giving birth tearing or bit cut........ ouch!

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