Bleeding again?


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2010
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After being told by a member of my consultant's team that my last lot of bleeding was to be considered as AF, I didn't expect any more for a while but yesterday (or the day before, can't remember!) I started bleeding again and it seems to be a bit more this morning. It started (TMI ALERT) as light brown almost beige in colour but is dark reddish now.

Hubby and I BDed last night and after I had more bleeding in my undies which isn't unusual when I'm spotting but I'm wondering why the heck I keep getting it.

I'm only CD17 today so it would have started around CD15-16 so I didn't think it would count as a possible AF but I'm really not sure!

I had cramps yesterday which only lasted about 5 minutes but it did make me wonder.

I'm making notes of it for when we see the consultant again but just wondered what the cause behind it could be. :think:

x x
I really dont know hun but i did not want to read and run...
i had that in my november and december cycles...never found out why. Blood tests were normal...
i read somewhere some ladies bleed and gave cramps around ghe time of OV. Could it be that?
(()) to you.
sorry i cant help in return.
mel x
Thanks Mel. :) x Doubtful about it being ovulation cos my consultant thinks I don't ovulate and I sometimes get spotting during my cycle but this time I've got noticeable cramps. Even if they are only a few minutes long.


Will have to see what happens I suppose!

x x
Hi MissJ. I think your bleeding sounds typical of someone who doesn't ovulate. I bled like this, randomly, sometimes with cramps sometimes without before i was on medicated cycles. My fertility doc just said its fairly normal in PCOS sufferers/people who don't ovulate. I wouldn't worry too much, just keep track of it and I think once you start clomid/metformin it should stop. It's confusing though isn't it xxx
I have never had spotting with PCoS, just erratic periods.
I did however have a similar story wth a few months of on off bleeding and it was same
Sort of description as yours.
I had a load of swabs done and it turned out to be a staphylococcus infection which is a build up of some of our natural bacteria which irritates the uterus lining and causes bleeding. Being stressed or tired can cause this. Your Gp could easily do a series of swabs for you to rule these simple things out while you wait to see you consultant. Don't know if you already had swabs?
Hormonal imbalance of course can do it, but in my case thT was a bit of a cop out from the original doc as I knew my body and I knew the bleeding was strange for me x
I would suggest swabs and a smear too, just to be safe. :)

I've had swabs etc done and was told nothing abnormal was found. The bleeding is still going, it's not like AF but I have had some blood on a panty liner and when (TMI ALERT) wiping but it only lasts one or two wipes so it's not as heavy as last lot of bleeding, but the last lot wasn't like my normal AF bleed either.

I'm still keeping note of it though for when we see the consultant next month (hopefully) so maybe he can shed some light.

x x
ask them what swabs they did. Initially I only had a couple, then more. Good luck x
Thanks, I will. x

Still got some bleeding, not a lot but still there. Something gross happened last night (will spare gory details) but it's freaked me out a bit so will have to mention to consultant when I see him. x
Go on, what was gross? Dont worry, we are used to gross!!! x

Apologies in advance if you're eating etc...

I went for a wee last night and noticed I had a rather long line of what looked like EWCM but bloody EWCM just sort of ... hanging there. :shock:

That really grossed me out. :sick:

x x
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