

Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2009
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Tegan has started Not taking her bottles properly! i've tried all the different teats and she won't take any of them so Im going to try different bottles so far i've tried dr browns and ttcn. anyone got any suggestions? keep buying bottles is costing me a fortune! x
NUK seem to be good, what little Isla has had was from a NUK bottle. I've spent a fortune on bottles :( good luck x
There so expensive aren't they?! i'll have to try a nuk one more expense lol x
The girls at our baby group all swap bottles to see which ones our babies will take. Has saved us a fortune!
The girls at our baby group all swap bottles to see which ones our babies will take. Has saved us a fortune!

That's a fab idea But nobody at my baby group is that nice!! now she's just bottle fed i really need her to take it properly. Im so stressed today its unreal! x
I paid around £3 for the NUK, £5 for the breastflow and I have loads of tt ctn ones as well that I bought last year. These babies are expensive!! X
How long as Tegan been on bottles for? Cos I use a Medela Calma for Lizzie but that's designed for breastfed babies so may be even more confusing for Tegan if it's been a while since she had boob!! :)
I don't know a lot about bottles really but have you tried different teat 'speeds' and variflow teats?
She gave up Boob a week ago, i've tried all the different teats and there 4.90 for 2 She was drinkin from the variflow ones But won't anymore she's just biting on them i really have spent a fortune.
Emma where did you get the NUK bottle from? x
I know it sounds a bit mean but when I was first introducing Lizzie to the bottle I had to wait till she was REALLY hungry so she's start sucking before she figured out it was a bottle, iykwim?
If she's biting the teats could that be related to teething pains?
My mum could never get any of us onto bottles so she introduced sippy cups at about 4 months so she could get a break from bfing, but I don't know whether that's a bit young to do for every feed..
Just chucking ideas out here btw :p
I appreciate any ideas Hun! i've tried 2 different cups and guess what? she won't drink out of either. you could be right about Teething as she is chewing everything! babies really do worry u don't they?! emma good idea about boots point i'll go there tomorrow xx
Alanna chews on teats sometimes, but have you tried kinda pressing it on the roof of her mouth? That gets alanna sucking again.
I dont know if this is a stupid idea or if the circumstances are too extreme for this to work but when Aiden gets fussy over his bottles and bites the teats etc I tap (gently) the bottom of his bottle a few times and he'll start sucking.
He was a nightmare to begin with as we have two types of bottles and he'd only take the TTCTN ones but after a few days tapping at every feed he loves both kinds just as much now :)
the midwife told me that rotatng the the bottle in an anti clockwise direction will hit glands on the roof and side of mouth and stimulate sucking maybe worth a try x

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