

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2005
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I don't like him touching them.. it feels too weird, I don't want them sexualised when Oliver's feeding from them. And I definitely wouldn't let his mouth anywhere near!
Ooooh no can't have him anywhere near them!
He always moans but he can't mind that much seeing as we are hopefully gonna be having another one soon too! Which means he'll have to stay off them even longer!
jools221181 said:
Ooooh no can't have him anywhere near them!
He always moans but he can't mind that much seeing as we are hopefully gonna be having another one soon too! Which means he'll have to stay off them even longer!

hehe my OH mentioned them when I finished feeding Seren but I was pregnat then and they were waaay too sensitive for any handling - unlucky :twisted:
-Kelly- said:
I don't like him touching them.. it feels too weird, I don't want them sexualised when Oliver's feeding from them. And I definitely wouldn't let his mouth anywhere near!

Thats exactly how i feel. He is not allowed near them.
this was probably the only thing i didnt like about BFing. i just felt really paranoid during sex if he kissed my boobs i was thinking oh no what if he stimulates them and gets milk in his mouth- i kno he's squeamish about BM he'll be grossed out- and it rele spoiled my enjoyment coz i was worried about that.
My OH grabs them all the time. He loves my huge bust. I just not so keen on him putting his head in them! Lol. I never used to mind til the day i gave birth, now they just sag! They used to be so firm!
Nope they belong to Eva for the time being, it took me ages to get round my squeamishness of breastfeeding in the first place so I dont want anything to make me feel weirder about it than I already do! And I'm very concious of them leaking, that would be just awful dripping milk all over OH eeeekk! :oops:
i'm lucky that way coz n/h wont go near them through his own choice. he sees them as baby food. Also, he has the biggest fear of him grabbing one and getting squirted in the eye or god forbid, some squirting in his mouth. so he doesn't go near them and i'm happy with that
:oops: I squirt him with mine.... it makes Freya giggle sometimes too. :oops:
Id get Luke to slap him! They're his, not Matts LOL :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I'm the same, I cant stand my OH touching them, they are really sensitive and it feels too wierd. They are definately not playthings anymore! I've never had big bangers, but now they're huge. I kinda miss my little neat firms ones, but sadly I dont think I'll be seeing them again!!! :rotfl:
OH kind of avoided them himself when I was b/f, he knew they belonged to LO.... we did have a leaking episode one night too and he was nowhere near them.. but bless he didnt say a word.

We are on bottles now so he has them to play with again... his words not mine!
Im not breast feeding, but my nipples are so sensitive not in a good way i cant bare them to be touched.

OH knows they are out of bounds, still keeps trying tho
I dont mind them being touched, but OH getting his chops round them would feel weird. Luckily he seems to have gone off them since I've been bf-ing. Logans on them so much he hasn't got a chance to get at them anyway! :lol:
I'm not actually breastfeeding any more but I never really minded him having a grope. It still makes me uncomfortable now if he tries to kiss them or anything though. It's a bit sad cos I used to like it but it just feels weird now. Maybe when I'm finished having babies he can have them back fully
My DH doesn't go near my boobs at the moment. He didn't when I was breastfeeding Lydia either. I think the thought of my milk scares him lol
I totally agree, my OH has a quick feel but that's all I can manage as it's just too weird!!!

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