Breech at 35+ weeks


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2012
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Hi Ladies

I have just returned from my MW appointment to be told that my wee one is now breech, the midwife had explained what can happen if she does not turn and to be honest I am now petrified. I have a cervical suture in place which is being removed on 12th June so hopefully she could turn herself before then. In my last two pregnancies there was never a mention of them being breech... gos I feel like its one thing after another at the moment..
Has anyone else been breech with a suture or breech and baby not turned??
Just a little of your expertise would help me at the minute..
To top it all off OH is away tonight on business and cant get back till tomorrow afternoon, oh how a glass of wine would be lovely !! xx
A woman at my antenatal class was breech at 35 weeks, and she was booked in to get baby 'turned'. It didn't work though, so now she's booked in for a planned caesarian. I think this is the normal route to take for breech nowadays, very few hospitals will allow a breech baby to be born naturally :( xx
My baby was breech at 34 weeks, but within days of MW telling me I was sent for a growth scan and baby had turned to head down. Try not to worry atm hun xxx
In my antenatal yoga classes the instructor recommends getting down on all fours and doing circular movements, side to side back and forth etc to open your pelvis and try and get the baby to turn on their own. Might be worth trying it to see if LO will turn xx
I found out at 28weeks my Little man is breech but i suspected it long before then. I'm 38+5 and booked in for an elective section tomorrow because he's breech. tbh its normal to worry your baby may still turn but its best to be prepaired incase it doesnt. but if baby doesnt its not a big deal as long as baby gets here safe.
Thanks for your replies ladies. My MW is a hoot she actually got down on all fours on the floor to show me what to do to help. She did say that nothing was set in stone nor was there any evidence that it works, however being a MW for longer than I've been alive I trust her 100% (and im nearly 40) xxx

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