Bring the kids too?


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2008
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We have our 2nd scan coming up in a few weeks and I am going back and forth trying to decide whether to bring the kids or not. When I was pregnant with my 2nd, Chloe was 2 and came along to see. When I was pregnant with my 3rd, Chloe was at school for the scan but Molly came along, aged 2.

Now the girls are 6, 3 and 1 and the scan time is 4pm so it would be outside of school times. I'd really like them to be able to meet their new sibling on screen and find out the sex with us but I don't know if it would be too disruptive for the sonographer or inappropriate for the girls to attend? They are good kids and would sit nicely. Of course my other half will be there too.

We do have the option for my mum to come and sit with them in the waiting room then maybe bring them in at the end once all the important checks have been done, but I don't want to mess the sonographer about too much and that may be more disruptive.

I'd like peoples' opinions on this, from personal experience or just what you think! Thanks!
I think you need to find out if the hospital will entertan the idea of 3 young children at the scan first. I know my hospital were very strict about only allowing one other person in the room. I think it is a nice idea though; I remember going to see my little brother's scan when my mum was pregnant with him, I was about 7. It might be worth taking your mum along anyway in case they get a bit bored.

ps - I'm afraid I didn't vote as I didn't know which category my answer actually fell into! :oops:
My hospital specifically asked that no young children attend my scans. Letter said to make arrangements for someone else to care for them then. That there was only room for one other person at the scan and to not bring more etc.

I'd contact your hospital and find out what their policy is.
When I had my second scan it said on my letter I could have another adult and two children in with me.

It's probably best to check with your hospital and see what they say :)
I just spoke to my hospital and they said that it'd be fine to bring the children with us. So I guess the final decision is down to me! What do you think guys?
i would take them but leave them outside till all the checks are done xxxxxxxx
We took Lucy in with us, we didn't wait till the checks were done but that was personal choice and situation.

Lucy was really well behaved and we talked to her about it before we went so she knew a bit about what to expect. We were in for 5 mins before she turned to me and said "Mummy I'm tired of this" which cracked me up - not good when you're trying to lie still for the sonographer! :lol:

In general I think that if there is a problem then your children will have to deal with it one way or another and if a problem is found they can leave the room.
I voted for the checks first which is what I'm going t do with my 7 year old.

I have my 12 week coming up but I decided she won't come to that one because I'll be nervous enough as it is!
alice is a bit too young still to really understand, but we didn't take her to the 12 week scan. Im thinking we may take her to the 20 week scan, but she has turned into a bit of a wuss over the last few months (the door bell ringing makes her run to me or OH screaming!!), so i don't know if it would all be a bit too much.
I would take them, but leave them outside until all the checks have been done. Our daughter has been to all our scans, but she is so young that she didn't really understand what was happening. She pointed at the screen and announced "doggy, doggy", so it looks like I'm having a dog and not a baby!!

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