Calculating Pregnancy

When I was having bleeding through last pregnancy he sent me to the hospital with my thyroid results WTF - Says it all really :talkhand:

Have a FAB weekend look forward to catching up with you next week :dance:

How many weeks are you Sammie? :D
You two girlies....Hopefully I'll come back on line and say all is well.

Keep yourselves safe lots of lovexxx

Hi...well according to my scan I had about 3 weeks ago (due to scare) I am about 11 weeks this weekend. Its still a worry that I may still misscarry tho!! But I suppose thats natural!!

Hows about you?? Are you starting to show yet? I am is certainly getting harder! :moon:
Im only 4 or 5 weeks gone Sammi so really not showing yet.

Been having funny little cramps and twinges, quite a bit of cervical mucus. Also feeling quesy in the morning and at night, but not actually being sick yet.

Tummy is a bit bloated - like when AF is due, but a lot harder.

Early, early days.............
Shaz said:
You two girlies....Hopefully I'll come back on line and say all is well.

It WILL be woman :D x

I started bleeding yesterday Sammie - Bubba didn't want to stay but I think I have a problem with carrying & the girls have me in for tests so I'm being looked after & hopefully when I get the results they can help me :D

11 weeks is good nearly into the 3rd tri :dance:
Oh'll be absolutely fine. I know its easy for people to say that but you have to keep possitive!

If it wasnt for these forums, I think I would have cracked up by now. I never knew that it was considered 'normal' to have such bad tummy cramps!! Infact, I'm finding that period symptoms are very similar to pregnancy ones!! - confusing eh??!!

My skin seems to be getting spottier and spottier and my hair more lank, my boobies so painful that they hurt to touch and my belly fatter as they days go on - but HEY....LOVING IT!! :wink:

so it's Scottish Baby Glue for Simmi and Scottish Baby Dust for Wobbles.....
Oh Wobbles...I'm 'so' sorry....are you saying that you have lost your little one???? :shock:
Natures way huh :)

Just recently - Well now really I am bleeding & have negatives on HTPs. Onwards though .... :D
I know huney....I keep telling myself that if it happened to me then it would be because it obviously wasnt meant to be - but it doesnt make it much easier does it?? Lots of love and luck to you...I hope that they can find the reason and help you soon. x
Just to change the subject a bit.......

Sorry to bring the conversation down but did either of you girls suffer from windy-pops while PG??? Seem to be belching for England....
LOL :lol:

You may laugh, but I used to call my 'bottom burps' Windy pops!!!! :lol: (my mothers fault obviously!!)

In honesty, I suffers from burping quite alot anyway, but does seem to be a little worse since being preggers!!

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