Confused and Unhappy :(


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2012
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Hey ladies..

so im still living in hope that thursdays scan will prove different, but still im bleeding and im certain the scan will again show no heartbeat :(

Well i took my last clear blue digital, which said 3+ pregnant, how long after you mc does a test show positive or am i hurting myself more by keep taking the tests :( xxx

Sorry to bother you all again x
I got a 3+ the day before I miscarried properly hun!

I'd been spotting for 3 weeks prior and like yourself I'd been for scans every week but no HB was ever detected.

I knew when I had my 2nd scan at 6w 5d and there was no HB that it was over BUT until I actually had my proper bleed I still had that hope.... Taking that digi test was just self torture really as it got my hopes up...

It's horrible but time is the only thing that is going to tell hun! I hope and pray it isn't bad news but I think you need to prepare for the worst

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I took a digi I had left 3 weeks after a medical management for my mc and it was still showing 3+ due to retained tissue. It finally worked its way out a few weeks later. It's the most awful thing to happen and I hope you get good news thursday. If not, this place is great for support and we'll all be here for you either way xxxx
thank you so very much ladies, you are right this site is so good, you get to talk to people and ask questions and you will always find somebody who has been in the same boat as you. its just so hard because my 1st pregnancy was text book, other then my waters going a week early but hes a perfectly healthy chubster lol..

i know everything happens for a reason, and my body made this happen.. does it get any easier? i am desperate for another... and yes doing the tests in torturing me more i guess as each one is positive and strong red lines, but there is always miracles right.

Yes there are always miracles :) it does get easier yes but you'll never forget your loss (if indeed it comes to a loss).
it indeed is a loss, even before i no for certain, i have cried so much, it was part of me :( xxx
That's how I felt, I just knew deep down before I even had my scan. It's truly gutting. If u need a chat pm me anytime xxxx
thank you sweetheart :) this has meant alot.. its hard trying to talk to my partner about it as he tries to understand but cant quite, talking to women who have experienced it is alot easier.

in my heart of hearts i no this little bean couldnt continue, and so i will do my grieving and try again in a few months.

i will keep you posted with thursdays news xxx
I think the men just don't know how to cope sometimes, it took my oh a few months to open up and tell me how much it got to him. Be good to yourself xxxx
Hi Jilly,

I really do feel for you and I know how you are feeling!! I can't explain how much this site has helped me as I never realised how many women are all in the same boat and can sympathise with you.

As Kra0 said it does get easier but you never, never forget them!!

Keep your chin up and be optimistic xxx
Thank you all gor your kinds words. scan today confirmed i had a mc xxx
So so sorry for your loss :( we are here for you if and when you need us xxxx
Sorry sweetie,

I hope that now you know, you can begin to grieve and move forward. Instead of being in that horrible limbo land

so sorry jilly massive hugs xxxxxxxxxxxx
i am so so sorry jilly my thoughts are with u (((hugs)))) xxxx
Really sorry Hun xxx
Be sure to take some time out to start to heal xx

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