Dont know what to do!


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2005
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arghhhh im in such a dilemma at the mo!

Basically im due to return to my nurse training next month, its my final year so only have 12 months left. Im really considering giving it up at the mo!

First of all it looks as though i wont have a job at the end of it, 3 of my friends who i went to uni with are now qualifing and there are no jobs what so ever! one has just got a job in next, another a cleaner and the other hasnt got anything!!! what a waste of 3 years!!! Out of the whole year group only 3/4 have jobs! and there are about 100-150 in the year!

Now part of me wants to complete my training as its only 12 months, (but its not just the work its also childcare etc and working 12.5 hours is a pain!)
However the other half of me wants to just return to my old job 3 days a week and start earning some money!! if i do return to my training am i just wasting a year? and i think if you are out of nursing for so long you have to do a "back to nursing" course which is another year!! so i could qualify then not have a job for 2 years then have to do another course?! sorry if im confusing you i think im confusing myself! i just dont know what to do at the mo!!

The only other plus, is that i could ttc next year instead of having to wait at least 2 because of training etc! i get married in febuary and then we would ttc after then!
Or does that just sound selfish and i should finish my training and get a career instead of thinking about having another baby straight away?!

sorry to complety bore you all!! im just so confused and dont know what to do!! :( :?
Aww what a tough one. :(

Maybe jobs are scarce in Cornwall but I think in other places there are loads of nurses jobs. Have you looked to see if any jobs are advertised?

There's no easy answer is there? gut would say finish it, because you are almost there and it's the kind of thing you couild REALLY regret later if you don't do it, whereas wasting 1 year isn't the kind of life changing regret, the other option would be.
Thanks for the reply Urchin,yes so far everyone has said the same, to finish the year and like you say i may regret not doing it! :think:
I agree with Urchin, I would finish it. At least then you have the qualification under your belt. Just go with your heart hun, only you know whats right for you.
I would complete it too hun, things could change in a year. It's so bad though. I want to train as a midwife still as there is such a shortage, but so many girls drop out the course as its so tough.
But once you have it you have it. I would advise you to go for it there are so many places otehr than hospitals you can work,unless you specificaly want that?

School's,Doctors,factorys and to get an RGN for a nursing home is mega bucks they are on a fortune here in the private ones.

there are lots of hospital posts here,I cant believe it is so hard for you,poor thing.

Take care
It makes me mad that people train to be nurses and by god we need them and then they can't get work :evil:

Sorry for that rant but I just want to let you know I did 2 years of my degree and then went travelling for ´2 years. I had the same dilemma do I finish it or not. I went back in the end and have never needed it for anything but it was good for me to finish and I think if you get your nursing degree you will never regret it. You don't wants to throw away 2 years of hard work :hug:
I feel for you hun. I totally understand what you mean about no jobs. I know I managed to get one on finishing the course but most people I know dont have one or have gone out of the area. Our Trust said they would take 100 people from our year out of the 350 but I heard rumours there are now only 20 posts available. I wouldnt have got the neuro job if I didnt work there before.

But you know what my advice will be dontcha?! Finish the course. I think if I had had time off, I would never have had the willpower or drive to go back to it. You've done so much and put in so much time and effort you have to finish it now. The NHS is always changing and by the time you finish, the situation re jobs may be different. There is always the private sector or nursing homes to consider on a temporary basis or agency nursing.

You may feel differently about TTC after you finish too. I was desperate to TTC during the 3rd year and didnt care about working etc! but now I have my first post, I want to get some time and experience under my belt before dashing off on mat leave (hence why were are temporarily on hold!)

I'm sure you'll figure it out but I say 'stick with it!'

Alice x :hug:
Thanks all for your replys, i guess it does make sence to finish the course and then i will always have the qualification. Its just the job front looks so poor!! the students starting their 1st year this september have been told there wont be a job for them in 3 years!!

My only worry is that if im out of nursing for so long, e.g. qualify but dont get a job for 2 years, i will probley then have to do a back to nursing course which i think is another year? its just seems like ive been in education for years!!!

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