dont think i can cope

Gem & Leland

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2006
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with thus feeling sick all the time , im not very good with tummy ache , i have panic attacks when im sick ( even when others are too) and i dont think i can handle feeling liek this all the time , last night i was really ill , couldnt keep off the toilet :oops: feel like death warmed up this morning but i cant have any time off work ( remember just had 8 weeks off sick for surgey)

i dont know what to do , its upsetting me i do a job where im driving around and visiting places , so it not like i can hide in a office and go to the loo when ever i want !

how do u others cope wih this sickness at work ? at all even ?

im scared girls :cry:
Try those travel sickness wrist bands- they might help

Also travel prepared- a bucket beside you and plastic bags on your lap and a change of clothes just in case so at least if the worst happens it is not a disaster.

I had to stop and puke in a bush one day while driving :oops:

Hope you feel better soon, it will all be worth it in the end :hug:
See you GP or Midwife. If you need to be signed off sick then so be it! It's genuine after all. No need to feel guilty - do what is right for you and your baby.

You will get through this stage flower. Hope you're feeling a bit more human soon :hug: :hug:

I suffered really badly with sickness (Hyperemesis) and ended up having about 8 weeks off work. There was no way i could've gone in. In the end you have to do what's best for you and bubs. The sickness will ed eventually though so chin up :D
Sorry to hear you're feeling so bad. I feel a bit sick this morning too and last night I was eating a yogurt and I just felt disgusted at it. I couldn't finish it. Weird.

You should try those travel sickness bands. They are meant to be good.

I'm the same as you with sickness. I am terrible. I panic, cry and just stress out big time. I don't care who it is that's sick either, I just cannot be near anyone with a sickness bug for sheer fear of getting it too.
It does get better. I know i had a week when i was really rough and spent almost the whole time crying thinking i could not cope. But it got better and the past week or 2 i have no sickness and am not as tired as i used to be.

With you getting panic attacks too you might be getting yourself into a bit of a vicious circle. I know when i get worried about things with my anxiety i start to feel sick and things like that which bring on a panic attack. Try your relaxation techniques and try to focus on something else.

Hope you feel better soon.

G3M said:
with thus feeling sick all the time , im not very good with tummy ache , i have panic attacks when im sick ( even when others are too) and i dont think i can handle feeling liek this all the time , last night i was really ill , couldnt keep off the toilet :oops: feel like death warmed up this morning but i cant have any time off work ( remember just had 8 weeks off sick for surgey)

i dont know what to do , its upsetting me i do a job where im driving around and visiting places , so it not like i can hide in a office and go to the loo when ever i want !

how do u others cope wih this sickness at work ? at all even ?

im scared girls :cry:

you will cope because you have to.
Just remember it will not last forever. And count your blessings that you are pregnant :D and sickness is a good sign!! . Thank your stars you don't have other kids to run around after too. :wall:
it will pass really quickly. :hug:
Im so sorry your feeling like this, i am the same and hate feeling sick and have major panic attacks at the thought. Have spent many nights sat in front of the toilet thinking im going to die and cant breathe! I had awful sickness with both my boys and am dreading it this time but hasnt started yet. You will get through it and need to try to find someting that works for you - travel bands, ginger biccies, dry crackers, lemonade etc. If it gets very severe try your doctor my friend got given some tablets but im not sure exactly what they were.
Kelly xxx
if cause um lucky in the fact i dont have children ! just frustrating and awkward with my type of job , driving rounf london on a red route there's no stopping ! they'd be havoc lmao

was home by 1 i felt so ill , had a nap and feel a bit better , and now sending dh to get those travel bands !

hugs to everyone feeling like shite lmao :hug:
You have my sympathy!! I sure hope the bands help.. I found nibbling every couple of hours and not letting my tummy get empty helped alot.
hi i also suffer from panic attacks whilst being sick and its horrible. driving probably isnt helping either hun :hug: :hug: i found always havin a drink to sip whenever i got the tummy feelin of sickness. also some ppl recommend gaviscon so you can try that. it will only last for a few more weeks hun and then it should settle. if it gets too bad talk to your gp, my sis was signed off work becus of morning sickness and she found it great. her work were also able to move her work times around so she was not in early mornings and she had longer breaks, it might benefit if you make them aware of your situtaion.

hope you feel better soon hun.

I travelled to work by rickety central trains... mine got better with sugary sweets so I always had a 10p pack of haribo's to hand in my bag.. it'd get me by for a little bit until I could get something better to eat/drink. A bottle of made-up squash, or jam sandwiches could be a good call too as it's longer lasting sugar. But I don't know if maybe I just had different sickness to everyone else cos no-one else has ever mentioned sugar before as something to feel better with. Also ginger is meant to be good for sickness - so try gingernut biscuits if you like them. Beware of the ginger chunks from holland and barrett though... they made me feel worse!

It'll ease up chick. I know how rough it feels, just do whatever is best for you, so ask if you can start half an hour later in the mornings and work it later in the evening? Make sure you take the breaks and lunchtime you're entitled to.. let your boss know if you're struggling, it's part of their responsibility to make sure your work isn't detrimental to your health or pregnancy, and at the end of the day it doesn't help them in the slightest if you get so ill you end up taking time off work.

It's awful feeling so ill, especially when you suffer from panic attacks as well I know just how you are feeling as I have panic attacks too and I think the thought of them makes you feel even worse.

Maybe you should go see your GP. It might be the best thing for you to get signed off for another few weeks, as the sickness should lift shortly.

I used the travel sickness bands for the first 14 weeks. It is important to put them in the correct position and give them a gentle press when the nausea gets really bad. I can't say that they really worked but I kept them on all the time just in case.

Hope you feel better soon. xx
Sorry you're having a rough time.

Have u tried munching on some crackers in the morning when you feel poorly?

Maybe your GP can suggest something aswell...

Gosh I totally sympathise with you. I am not being physically sick a lot but am constantly feeling sick, i'm completely exhausted and need the loo a lot too. I stopped working 2 weeks ago (i'm inbetween jobs) as my hubby and I are moving house this week and I've been totally useless. I feel depressed and energy-less being stuck in my flat all day not being able to go out often as I feel so bloomin sick. Before being pregnant I had ridiculous amounts of energy and worked all day and rode my horse every night, now I can hardly put on leg in front of the other :( My only light is that this feeling should hopfully disappear in the 2nd trimester. I have found ways to help, I find if I keep hydrated all the time, always keep ginger biscuits and dry crackers to nosh on it helps a little. Keep your chin up and take comfort in the fact that there are others out there suffering with you :)
p.s. I am going to try some accupuncture this week, apparently it works really well for sickness.
i feel so sorry for us girls , we creating lilttle miricals and all we wanted was to be pregnant but this stage is horrible !

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