Due April 2012??


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Dec 11, 2010
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I found out i was pregnant on Monday 8th August and the doctor confirmed on Wednesday that I was 5 weeks (now 5 wks 4 days).
I was just wondering if anyone else is around this far gone so I can chat to someone going through the same experiences etc


I am 23 and have been with my OH over 5 years we are due to get married in 2013 and have been trying for a baby since December 2010.
hey andrea, congrats on being pregnant :) i am 5 days ahead of you and found out on 6th august, i am 23 too and been with my OH for 3 and a half years, been trying for a baby for 3 years and had 3 mcs, im hoping 4th time lucky, how are u finding pregnancy so far?
good luck xx
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Hi Claire!

Thank you and congratulations to you too!
I am finding everything fine, I feel normal apart from terrible bloating and sore busoms, but I am certainly not complaining. Just counting down to the 12 weeks but it seems to be dragging.
Sorry to hear that you have had 3 miscarraiges I am sure that everything will be fine, although I am a terrible worrier though! xx
I'm glad everything is fine for you, I had bloating and back ache but its gone today and its made me worry but some other girls have said its normal to lose your symptoms but they come back. I know what you mean counting down the 12 weeks i am so excited about it that i think time drags even more, i had an early scan at 5 weeks 5 days and it was so reassuring seeing a flickering heartbeat :) we are due to get married july 2012 but think we are going to move it to 2013 because of money and i dont want baby fat and a 4 month old on my wedding day lol :) i can't wait to get a bump xx
Hi Andrea

hi Claire23.
I found out Thursday 4th August. Docs haven't tested to confirm, just took my word for it.
I'm 5 weeks 3 days, so one day behind you. :)

my symptoms:
feel nauseated (like how you feel when traveling backwards on a train and reading a book)
stomach cramps
and loads of dizzy spells.

In my 30's, first baby. been married for 2 years.
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congratulations susan :) hope everything is going well x
Hi Andrea,

Congrats and lovely to have you here! I found out on Tues 2nd Aug and should be 6 weeks and 1 day today. Doctor has said he doesn't want to see me (?!) and has just referred me straight to midwife on Aug 30th when I will be 8 weeks.

I too am a terrible worrier, I'm 30 and this is my first pregnancy and we started trying in the new year. I think when you have waited so long for something so monumental it is very scary when it actually happens! I have been trying not to get excited as I know it is still early days and have been worrying myself sick over it all, but I have started to relax over the past few days for some reason - think it's such a big shock you need a couple of weeks to adjust!

My symptoms have been huge and very sore boobs (although today they weren't so bad so instantly thought something was wrong!! lol!! But lots of the girls here say symptoms can come and go so not worried now), bloating and over the past few days a feeling of nausea in the morning and about half an hour after every meal. I'm due by my working out on April 8th.

Everyone here is extremely friendly so any questions or fears fire away - they are full of great advice.

Congrats, i am due on the 7th april, Helly i also found out on the 2nd! How strange that theres people out there going through exactly the same emotions on the same day. Looks like theres going to be alot of April babys, I go for an early scan tomorrow argggggggggggggggg :) as i had a mc in may. So excited but yet so so nervous!! Welcome to tri 1 xx
Hi Helly & Susan,

Me and OH half just couldnt help ourselves getting over excited! We have been looking at prams already on the internet. I think once the next week or so passes we will calm down and stop being so impatient! ha

I have a feeling that as soon as I get to 6 weeks the symptoms will start to kick in good and proper! Has anyone yet gone off perfume or scented things or had certain smells make them feel sick?

I had a miscarraige a few years ago, now I love cups of tea but I totally went off them and I also felt nauseas all the time which is why I expect more symptoms soon. xxx
Hey Charlie,

Sorry to hear about ur MC, I am sure everything will be fine and an early scan will put your mind at ease.
There is a lot of april babies, I think it will be lovely for our little ones to arrive before summer, bad thing for us mums is less time to get back i shape for summer! but what the heck I probably won't be that fussed once I have our little bundle of joy in my arms xxx GOD IT SEEMS SO LONG AWAY!!

I even have a countdown calendar in work ha how sad

I'm also due in April, found out on the 10th of this month.
Only been with OH for year and half but were best friends for couple years before.
I have a son who will be 10 in December (gosh it makes me feel old)
Congrats to all of you, its so lovely to have others to go along the pregnancy journey with. I am excited and terrified at the same time! Keep telling myself to stop worrying and enjoy it but it seems that being anxious is quite common.
I do already have sensitivity to smells...milk and bread (exact same as when I had my son) and can't drink tea which i usually love.
Congrats again everyone :):):) xx
Hi Lisey,

I agree it is nice to chat to other people who are going through the same I can help but feel that sometimes people get sick of me talking about it all the time and I know that everyone here loves talking about it.
Have you told anyone yet that you are expecting?
hi everyone and congrats on the bfps :D i'm Donna n i'm 27, got my bfp 12th august due 18th april and this will be our 2nd child, our daughter is 4! i have nearly no symptoms just sore bbs and some twitchy type movements and just like u i am anxious and willing the 12wk scan to hurry on around! also, i have been referred straight to the midwife rather than the doctor confirming and shes ringing me on tuesday so i'm excited for that phone call, it might make it all the more real then as it still hasnt sunk in! :D xx
Hi Andrea

Yes, i agree, i want to talk about it constantly, I am thinking about bubba all the time. :dance:

Yes, I have told people, we told our parents straight away and they are all thrilled, my OH parents haven't any granchildren so this is their first.
We were gonna keep it quiet from others but didnt see the point, have told family and some close friends. I will wait to tell work though I think. I'm off for the summer as I work with children so will be another few weeks before I see them anyway.
Have you told anyone yet? xx
Hi Andrea, thanks hun, i know April does seem so far away but xmas will be here soon (sorry) then not long after that, hopefully all the snow will have gone and the sun will begin to shine!! xx

Hi Deedee, congrats and welcome to tri 1!! xx
I am hopeless at keeping my mouth shut so some of my close friends know already, which has been nice as one of them has a four month old and the other a 6 week old, so have been able to run some of my early pregnancy stresses past them and they have been very reassuring!

We have just arranged a dinner for my parents and my OH's mum in two weeks where we are going to announce 'the news', that is if I can keep my trap shut til then!! Not telling my mum is killing me... We will be 8 weeks that weekend and I think I'll just feel that little bit more secure by then. The weeks until the 12 week scan are going to take AGES!!!!! It's worse than waiting for Christmas when you are a kid!!!!

Obviously despite saying we weren't going to really think about it for a while, me and OH have already got a girl's name decided, are debating a boys, and have looked at some cots!!! Ha ha! We are also in the middle of renovating a house, and after a few months of slacking off, people can't understand why all of a sudden it's all systems go again!! Need to get it finished before the bean arrives!!

Are you all going to find out what you are having?? I'm hoping to stay team yellow but I know I'm very nosy and will probably end up begging to know!!
The news is just too exciting to keep quiet, im with you on that.
I am also so nosey and doubt I will stop myself from finding out, I am also too impatient and will want to buy everything in the appropriate colours in advance. I have even requested to OH that we have 3D scan so I know they get sex of bubba right!

We havent discussed names yet but I'm desperate to, lol! I just want to get to the 12 weeks and then I will feel I can relax a bit xx
ooh its all exciting! i've told family and close friends! and were deffo finding out the sex, which i cant wait for! we have our girls name picked out already too but are really struggling on the boys name, everything i like my OH doesnt :/ so thats another reason for finding out the sex too!
Hi ladies can I please join you as my expected due date will now be April. Had my second scan today and they couldn't see babe last time because I was out by a week but now there is a lovely little babe with a nice heartbeat cooking away in there. xx
Hi leannesxb,

Congrats and so glad your little bub is all comfy in there x

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