Follow up appointment update and a question or two!


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2010
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Hi ladies, sorry I couldn't update sooner, yesterday was jam packed and we've hardly had a chance to take everything in!

We were asked if the results of my last ultrasound were explained to us - this was done by our crap ex GP! - we said yes, he said there were very few mild follicles which were too mild to determine as PCOS and to warrant further testing til we'd been TTC for longer.

The consultant said he'd finally managed to view the pictures (he tried at our first appointment before all our tests but it was locked and he had no password!) and actually, those "few mild follicles" were CYSTS! My heart sank a little and I couldn't believe our old GP had fobbed us off! :strangle:

Anyways, he explained that it looked likely to be PCOD rather than PCOS (not sure what the difference is) and then went on to say all my other tests were fine. He reassured us that DH's sperm sample was fine too but didn't mention numbers, all I could see was that the first sample was something like 69 million and second was 66 million. I can't remember which sample was which but morphology on one was 9 and the other was 10. I've no idea if the morph is good or not but the number of swimmers is good! :thumbup:

Then my consultant blew me away. I was genuinely expecting more tests but when they mentioned the cysts, I was wondering whether that would mean a drilling op? But he said that other than the fact I'm not ovulating, everything looks great so the only issue we need to solve, is the oving.

He's prescribed me Norethisterone to take for 10 days, 2 tablets a day, then to do a pregnancy test. If BFN, to start CLOMID from day 2 til 6, continue with my cycle then obviously at the end to see if we're pregnant and to take the Norethisterone again for 10 days then to continue my cycles like that.

I'm a bit confused cos he's given us a 6 month prescription and so wants my cycles to be 30 days each. I'm a bit confused with the timings of the tablets at the end of the cycles. Do I start taking Norethisterone at the end of 30 days? Wouldn't that mean there's 10 days between each cycle? What if the Clomid means I ovulate (if it works of course) later than suspected, therefore a pregnancy test wouldn't work cos I was testing early, then started the Norethisterone thinking we weren't pregnant but in fact it was a late ov?

If anyone could help me out, I'd be so grateful!

So today is day 2 of Norethisterone as we started this yesterday. I'm so excited but I am aware it doesn't always work for everyone, but I have no reason not to be optimistic - I really feel positive about things now that we know what's what. :D

Oh and he doesn't want to see us for 7 months cos (in his words) he's expecting us to not need to see him unless we come back pregnant. He also said if it doesn't work, we'd try something else. No idea what!

:love: :love:

x x
Ive posted in your journal but i shall post here too!! Im not sure about the Norethisterone. I was only given one months supply of provera and 3 months of clomid, My first cycle did shorten but only down to 60 days. I'm currently CD19 and dont appear to have ov'd yet! But that is not to say that you wont!

I was also told that i have PCOD rather than PCOS - like you i have absolutley no idea what the difference is!! Possibly that we dont ovulate? Not sure!

Watch out for the hot flushes and bad bad bad moods on clomid - they hit me like a brick this cycle. But you just have to remember that it will all be worth it!!

Wishing you the best of luck hun and i'm so so pleased for you and OH. He can finally relax now :)

Thanks hun, I said to DH this morning that just because we've got Clomid doesn't mean my cycles will magically be 30 days... But it sounds like my consultant wants me to use the Norethisterone to make them 30 days. Which I thought was odd...?!

DH said he'll call them if I need to be told again. :blush:

x x
Maybe just really try and use the opks to make sure you ovulate. That way you shouldnt need to use the Norethisterone again. I'm not sure hun - it does seem a little odd! Are you on 50mg of clomid? x
I've got a big batch of cheapie OPKs plus a few digi ones too.

No, I'm on 100mg of Clomid. x x

P.S. DH said that the consultant told me to take the Norethisterone at the end of each cycle THEN take a pregnancy test? I would have thought it was the other way round?

x x
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Ive got my follow up on monday and im really hoping they up mine to 100mg. 50mg clearly doesnt want to have much effect with me!!
I would have thought they would do if 50mg isn't working out. Hope they do! x x
I'm supposed to have had 3 cycles of 50mg before monday - ive only had 2! I guess that will just show them that it didnt have much effect!!

Keep me updated on how your cycles work out with the clomid. After taken prover my af arrived 2 days later so hopefully wont be long for you to get started xxx
Hi Miss J! :)

So glad it all sounds so positive.:)

Not sure about the other but with your clomid you should ovulate 7-10 days after the last tablet.

So any cycle over say 35 days I'd assume it probably didn't work.

As far as opks go, so you don't get stressed with the line spotting I'd get a 20 pack of diggis.

I know I'm different than a lot of the clomid girls in that I already OV but in my experience I ov'd the first time on cd 10, second on cd 12 and then the last when I decided to take 100mg instead of 50 :shock: on cd 14.

I personally think it's good to go straight in at 100, I was fine in terms of side effects.

Massive FX for a BFO (big fat OV!) :)

Thanks Nicky, I will hun. I actually had a tiny bit of blood last night and some proper twinges but I don't know it really was the Norethisterone or just me! Hope they bump your Clomid up hun. x x

Thanks Maybe. :) I already have some digi ov tests that I bought to use with Agnus Castus so am going to use both cheapies and if I get a proper line, a digi. I'm really apprehensive about the length of my cycles being cut down but like I said, my consultant wants me to use Norethisterone each cycle which I'm confused about - think I'll get DH to phone and confirm what happens at the end of my cycles and what if my cycles are longer than 30 days. Think he's just trying to keep them short but what if I ovulate later and therefore my cycles are longer? :confused: x x
Hey hun, I have never had a 30 day cycle but have ovulated on clomid. Before i started clomid my cycles were like yours but whilst being on it they have averaged around 35 - 55 days so if I were you I wouldn't follow your doctors 30 day plan as you can ovulate later. Best thing to do is get a big pack of cheap opks and start testing from day 10 onwards.
Hmmm..... I think I'll ask DH to call them and double check. I really want to follow his suggestions but it's just the taking Norethisterone at the end of each cycle doesn't sit right...As you say, what if my cyles are over 30 days and I just cut them myself with Norethisterone?

Arghh. Will speak to DH tonight.

x x
Maybe you can use opks up to day 30 and if you haven't had a positive then start taking the norethisterone?
I could do that... I just don't want to go back in 7 months (hoping we don't need to though!) and say I didn't follow his advice if you know what I mean. Cos surely he'd know what he's suggesting as he knows my cycles are loopy. :think:

hey miss j! i don't know much about clomid but just wanted to say i'm really pleased they have got to the bottom of this for you. ive always thought there is something they are not seeing and your crap gp allowed this to go on for too long.

like princess81 and maybe baby i've a good feeling that now you have help u will get your bfp really soon xx
ooooooo you are going to be a mummy soooooooooooooooo soon :)
Thanks Pos, hope so! x

Nicky - Aw, hope that's true for both of us (and of course everyone else waiting to graduate to Tri1!) x

I'm really looking forward to getting started, just hope AF arrives sharpish.

Been doing lots of research and apparently you should allow your cycles to be at least 30-35 days before assuming Clomid hasn't worked/you've not ovulated and take the Norethisterone again. I want to confirm with my consultant whether this is a good idea though, I'd hate to think I would ov late and then be starting the Norethisterone when I shouldn't.

x x
Yeah its a good idea to check it out hun, even if it is just for your own piece of mind.

Miss J maybe we can be bump buddies when it eventually happens :) eeeeeeeeeek!!!

I think it's a good idea to try and stick to your docs recommendations because although we all can advise, none of us are experts and can only talk from our own experience. And like my consultant says "everyone is so individual" what was right for one lady won't necessarily be right for another.
I ovulated a real nice big follicle on clomid at CD 35 which is extremely late but it did give me a 20mm one. That was only with 50 clomid though so next time will try the 100.
I totally sympathise with the long cycles though. Makes it feel like such a marathon until the next one.
Glad you are getting help. Stay relaxed and positive x x
Thanks Lara. :) I just don't know whether to use my ov tests throughout the 30 days then if no positive, to start the Norethisterone as advised by the consultant and repeat the Clomid cycle. :eh:

Or whether to wait my cycle out. But if I do that, God knows how long we'll be waiting!

The consultant wants us to try 6 cycles (if needed) of Clomid, if I wait, with my cycles we might only get 2 in before the next appointment.


Will chat to DH, but I reckon he'll say to follow the consultant's advice.

x x

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