Fynn Anthony is here!!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2011
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Well he's 3 weeks old today so its a little late, but its better late then never...
Here goes, I went into labour at 3am Wednesday 24th Aug, very irregular contractions all night... On Thursday they were a little more regular, at 1pm I went out for lunch with my partner, my mum, and my little girl... Eating Ham, egg and chips, having contractions, whilst my little girl had no idea... By 2pm they were every 7 mins so decided to go home and let the labour ward know and to sort my little girl out... By about 6pm I was getting very worn out and the contractions were coming every 4-5 mins so off we went to hospital...
When I got there they tested my urine and found I had next to no Carbs in my body, so was forced to eat. Apparently if ur carb level is too low, ur muscles dont work properly, so u get worn out and ur contractions can stop, which explained why my contractions werent staying regular...
At 8pm I was checked and I was only 3cms, gutted.... So the pool was filled and the gas and air came out...
At 10.30pm I wanted checking again as I felt I was near to pushing, but midwife wanted to wait til 12am, that upset me... so I spent the next 1.5hrs in and out of the pool, constantly wanting the loo...
Then at 12am the midwife checked me again and I was only 4-5cms, she also did a sweep OUCH!!!!. At this point, I cried, and said to my partner and mum, I couldnt do it, I was so so disappointed... So the midwife said to try a different position, over the back of the bed, on my knees, I was sure at this point that my waters were slowly breaking, but was told they werent... Started to lose it at this point so midwife advised that I got back in the pool, cause I wanted more pain relief, but just stayed on gas and air and climbed back in the pool... Next minute my body was pushing and the midwife was telling me to stop pushing and to try and breath through it, but I couldnt, so she asked me to turn round to check, and to her surprise baby was there already. Only problem was he was back to back and coming out Face Presentation (basically mouth and nose first, not the crown of the head).... Very very painful.... Then a few more pushes and he was out, so by 12.44am Fynn Anthony was in my arms... AMAZING!!!!
From 12-12.44am I went from 4-5cms to having him in my arms... INTENSE!!!! lol
He was born at 12.44am on the 25th August and weighed 6lbs 14ounces and was 20.5inches long...
Essay over lol
Siany and Fynn
What a great birth story. You sounded very calm and in control. Huge congratulations again on the birth of Fynn xxx
I didnt feel calm and in control lol
But thank u...
What a great birth story! Amazing how quick u progressed after 4-5cm!! So glad it's all over for you now and your enjoying your little man!!
Ah, congrats! That last bit must have been on fast forward!
Great birth story!

Massive congrats

Cant wait to see the photos!!

Hi guys, thanx for all of ur messages...
Will get photos up asap...
Siany xxx
What a lovely name...Fynn, how gorgeous! And he's such a cutie! Congratulations xxx
Thank u hun...
He's even better looking now, he still had some swelling to his face in my profile pic, after his horrid birth, his face was so swollen and bruised...
Siany xx
oh bless him! congratulaitons and well done!!
Awww bless him. Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful baby boy x

Sunnyb xxx

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