Gender predictions


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2010
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So I was bored and decided to have a bit of fun, I had a look on the net for gender prediction tests x I did 4 tests-2 said girl, 2 said boy soooooo it's either a girl or a boy! Lmao x he he x silly tests! Come on 20 week scan!
I wanted a girl at first but now I'm not fussed x I'm convinced it's a boy though x my OH wants a girl and I'm a bit worried if it's a boy what his reaction will be x
All of those chinese lunar things say boy for me. I guess we'll see in 4 weeks!
Oooooh exciting x I got 27 days until mine! I can't wait! x x
I wanted a girl at first but now I'm not fussed x I'm convinced it's a boy though x my OH wants a girl and I'm a bit worried if it's a boy what his reaction will be x

Have you got children before?
I have a daughter and my OH has a son but he never bonded with his son which is why I think he's so desperate for a girl, he's more bonded to my daughter than his son x yodabo if I remember rightly (and if your scan is in 28 days making it the 27th may) your scan is on my DD's birthday! We're not going to tell her what bubs is and then we'll give her a birthday card signed 'from your little brother/sister' x just did the Chinese gender scan-they say.........boy!!!
I won't be bothered with what I have but would prefer another girl! I love little girls and my daughter wants a sister but everyone else thinks I'm having a boy! Still got another 6 weeks until my scan!!

What's a good website for the gender predictions?!
Yes, 27th May!

Aww that'll be a sweet way of telling your daughter. I'm tempted to take my youngest with us for the scan...i know he'll love it all and he's not bothered if it's a boy or a girl.

I have 2 boys already and would love a girl as its our last but i do love my boys and i find them so fab! I'm convinced it's a boy though, everyone says how nice it would be to have a girl to complete the family and it would be nice and i would be thrilled but i'm definately not going to be devastated if it's another boy.
dunno about good but I just typed in 'gender predictions' on google and got a few results! I'm carrying the weight all round-I did with DD too-which supposedly is a girl but the hair on my legs is growing quickly which indicates boy! Lol x it was lots of fun answering daft questions! One even came back 50/50!! Think alot of people believe in Chinese gender chart x
Oh and I'm never saying never regarding more kids but I'm not planning anymore so a boy would 'balance' out the family but I'm not bothered either way now x DD wants a sister! We were going to take DD with us but she's in school! Booo! x
Keep ringing them Isobel! Not fair you should have to wait!
Ah right, my youngest would've been in school but we come back from Cyprus that same day so he'll still be off school.
Keep ringing them Isobel! Not fair you should have to wait!

I should have it the 1 june so my midwife said if i have not heard anything by 17th of may i need to ring them and demand my scan.. its not fair.. i want to know everything is ok with her in there.. and make sure it is a girl :D
Wow what a wonderful end to your holiday! I agree usobel-keep phoning them!! How far along are you?
Do you know if it's a girl for def? x
nooo haha its just this feeling i have had since i found out and now its stuck n i call it her bless might be a little boy in there..
Lol x I've had a feeling mines a boy but they're still an 'it' at the moment! x

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