Girls vs boys


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2005
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My dear little Isabella is a drama queen and I have found most woman I have spoken to have found girls are more hard work than boys. The boy babies I have seen have been alot more laid back.

What do you think? Have you had a boy and a girl?
That's so weird I was thinking of making a thread on this!

Apart from Brody's sleeping, both my boys have been very content and quite "easy"
Great minds think alike!!!

Yes I have heard that many boys are content and easier :D
I have one of each and my daughter was a tantrum thrower, didn't settle at nights, school etc etc.

My little boy is no problem, goes to bed easily, completely missed terrible two's ,he's a little luv.The only time he gets a little irratable is when he's tired.
My mum had my brother then me, she said to me in jest (know shes being serious) if she'd had me 1st she'd have only had the one child! :lol: she loves me really!
My son is so content an laid back he was such a good baby.
Isaac is very laid back as well, he's been so easy to look after so far. Long may it continue!
Jamies definitely a laid back little boy - only time he gets annoyed is when he wants a boob and i think thats like most men lol!! :rotfl:
Sounds like it could be a fact then???? Boys are more laid back as babies
i was an angel,very laid back and my brother was a complete nightmare baby and i have two girls and they were the easiest babies you could ask for in every way :D ,guess someone had to spoil it :rotfl: xx
i know Alastair is only 4 weeks but i have to say iam having amuch harder time with him than i did with sophie :rotfl:
Jamie has been a star, so laid back, a real happy chappy! will play with his toys for hours by himself and keep himself amused quite easily ! Slept through the night from 4 weeks old and just easy really !!!!

Funnily enough a couple of people who i know with one of each, always say they found there boy to be more easy going than the girl? weird huh!! us girls have too bad of temper i think !!!! :lol:
Eveadel said:
Great minds think alike!!!

Yes I have heard that many boys are content and easier :D

Could someone tell that to Jamie please :lol: Gotta go he's crying AGAIN :evil:
my little boy is so laid back at the moment, but when my girls were his age they were such little monsters, they would scream at eveything both my girls have really bad tempers but my little boy is so good!! love them all tho lol
Braydon is a hard one he has been diagnosed as being over active :wall: trust my baby lol! apart from that and his sleeping he is a really good boy altho he is over active as long as hehas summit to play with he is a lil angel altho never ever stops lol
Seren is a very laid back baby. She has an oocasional tantrum but generally will b quite happy. Me and my sister were completely different too, I was chilled out whereas she was always running around and running off.
Ella was a very very good baby as a newborn, so content and has always slept well. She's a little more demanding now she is older and has tantrums, but 99% of the time she is so good and I think I have had it "easy" with her!
Aaron is a very active little boy, he's always into something and never ever stops. I can just about get him into his hairchair for his dinner. :lol:

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