has anyone else got an ANTERIOR placenta?


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2010
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hi girls hope your all well i havent been on here in ages as iv had a rought couple of weeks, not with the pregnancy,,, just life in general.

i have an anterior placenta and it limits the movements i can feel from baby and was just wondering how common this is, i can feel her loads one day then the next day i wont feel anything iv rand ANC clinic and they have siad not to worry until i get to 30 weeks and if she has a quiet day then im to worry..

thanx girls
I have one, it does block some of the movements but as you get further along, you'll notice that they're much harder to block! My whole stomach wibbles now when she kicks. Somehow though, she still manages to swap sides without me noticing, i only notice cos my bump is lopsided and the bump is suddenly on the other side!
aww :) thats lovely
its nothing to worry about with delivery or anything either then ?
No-one has said anything about it, so i don't think so, i think mostly the problems with placenta during delivery are if you have a low lying one as the baby can't always get past it, particularly if its covering your cervix
At 8 weeks they said I had an anterior placenta but didn't mention it at 12 week scan so I don't know if it would move?
They'll probably be able to tell you more at your 20 week scan. That's when i found out i had an anterior one, and my sister had a low lying one. They do move around a bit though, and if they're at all worried about its position, they do another scan around 36 weeks to just check its position again
I had an anterior placenta and it did limit the movements I felt until bubs got bigger, then I felt pretty much all his movements.
It didn't make any difference to the delivery at all, you only need to worry if it's low lying.
ah good :) i dont know what i had with my son as they never told me so i asume that was normal, at the top of uterus.
thanx girls x
At 8 weeks they said I had an anterior placenta but didn't mention it at 12 week scan so I don't know if it would move?

It should say in your maternity notes hun. At my 20 week scan they put on the result sheet that goes into my maternity folder, that I have a Postero-Fundal placenta.

Hey hun.

At my 12 week scan they wrote in my notes that i have a LOW ANTERIOR PLACENTA. The sonographer or midwife did not tell me what this meant so i took the oppurtunity to ask my own midwife last week..... She basically said that my placenta has plenty of time to move but if it doesnt i will have to have a c-section. I will be pretty gutted if it has not moved by my Anomoly scan date which is next week so i am hoping and praying that it has.

As for the movements i am 18 weeks today and still havent felt baby, I sometimes think i am feeling things but then think maybe i am just imagining it because im so looking forwad to the day i actually do feel the real thing.

When did you first feel baby with an Anterior placenta?

Amy xx
Ive been told my placenta is partly covering the cervix so have been booked in for an early scan (they call it early but its 32 weeks instead of 34 weeks) If it doesnt move I read online that you can be advised to spend the 6 weeks before your due date in hospital incase the baby moves and ruptures the placenta...then they have 3 mins to get the baby out as it has lack of oxygen! scarey stuff I hope its just another internet horror story. I know if it doEsnt move then I will need a c-section.
I didnt feel my baby move until the very end of week 18/beginning of week 19.
I felt baby for first time last thurs at 19 weeks. Went for 20 week scan yesterday and have an anterior placenta so probably explains why I didn't feel him sooner. There are days when I don't feel him though and I guess it's because placenta is cushioning his kicks

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I started feeling kicks and movement at 18weeks. Had 20 week scan on Friday and was very suprised to hear I have an anterior placenta. I'd also heard that you feel fewer and later kicks with an anterior placenta but obviously not true in my case.... unless I've bred a kick boxer!! The kicks are fairly strong too. x

I had an anteror placenta with my daughter and it definitely didnt limit any feeling i had from her. I was feeling her move from 11 weeks and all she did was kick. kick, kick! so had no doubts about her at all.

So the anterior placenta theory didnt work for me.
I have one but have been getting movements from baby for ages now, so it's not affected me like that for some reason x
thanx girls im getting lots of movement all the time now so im hoping it wont affect me either x x
I had one , I did see other people say could mean baby will be back to back who he was but dunno if that's coincidence xx

I have a anterior placenta, have felt him move since 13 weeks, it hasn't limited any movements for me! :) xx

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