has anyone tried the chinese gender predictor


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2009
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ive tried it and it comes up with im having a boy. i tried it to see if it predicted that amy was going to be a girl and it was right all you do is put your age when you conceived and the month. like i was 24 and conceived in april wiv amy this time im t25 and put in august and july also september and they all come up with boys i was trying to go back 14 weeks to work out the month conceived please give it ago and post below what it predicts for you so we can see if it right? also see if it right if youve been for your scan and have been told what sex your having try it see if it gets it right i just want to see if it works lol

heres the link for it

i tryed it but i cudnt work out if codie was right or not, but says this one is a boy!
how old were you when you conceived codie and do you know what month
ooo this is a new one!! perdicted codie right on this one!
cool its amazing lol it predicted right for amy too so im guessing that it might be true itll be intresting if it does work
Mine was wrong, predicted a girl!
mine said girl.... il let u know in less than 3 weeks!! :) x
Hahahahaha I just de my pregnancies it doesn't work for me it said my first is a boy - she is a girl lol! My second a girl and he is a boy and my third a boy but Chloe looks pretty much like a girl to me lol!!

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It says my first was a boy which he was and this one will be a boy. (which i obviously dont know yet) Although I did a different chinese predictor the other day which asked for your exact date of conception and that said girl? x
Says girl for me, will let you know by end of the month! (I'm convinced its a boy :lol:)
Said I was having a girl, but I'm haivng a little boy now wasn't really into the idea of a little man but well chuffed now can't wait x
hah it works for me,

said my first was a boy which he is n this one is going to be a girl which i think it is lol x
worked for me too!!! Said it was going to be a boy and it was!!!
cool so it works for some there are a few out that it got it right the first time for me so hope it right this time i would love a lil boy
said a boy for me which we are secretly hoping for although will be over the moon which ever, xx

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