How many combi feeds at 5 months?


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2012
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I'm part bf and part ff my daughter in preparation for going back to work. At the moment I'm bf first and last feeds of the day with ff in between. My lo is sleeping about 8-10 hours at night without needing a feed. At the moment I'm fitting in about 3 formula feeds of between 5 and 7 oz in the time in between. How does this compare with other mums? Over the last couple of months my lo's weight has dropped a couple of centiles but the health visitor didn't seem too concerned. Is 5 feeds enough in 24 hours? My lo is pretty content in between so sometimes difficult to know when she needs a feed. Any feedback would be appreciated. xxx
I did this in prep for going back to work and this is pretty similar to what my lo was doing. We have just dropped the bf and now just ff. My lo gets weighed this week so not sure about the weight as we switched over just after his last weight.
If your lo is content I would say that's a good sign they are getting enough also that they are sleeping long periods at night.
How old is your lo?
Thanks for your reply. She is a very content baby but I wasn't sure if perhaps she's so content that she doesn't moan until she's really hungry. Oo sorry, I should have said. She's 23 weeks tomorrow so just over 5 months. I said I'd go and get her weighed in a few weeks and that was a couple of weeks ago. Perhaps I'll get her weighed this week. Thanks. xxx
Sounds like you are doing things pretty text book there dotty, amazing on the sleep thing. I'm still up a lot :-(
As Jess is weaning now and boy she was ready for that, we are now on only a bit of milk here and there. I've tried to encourage her to take more milk but its no go booby or formula!

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