I admit defeat


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2009
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Have to go to bed :(

Night girls, feeling very yukky today and think tiredness isn't helping :wall2:

Chat tomorrow :wave:
night night hope a big rest makes u feel better x
Hope you feel better soon Hun :hug:
I did the same last night and was in bed before 9pm. Then had a terrible night sleep with lots of dreams, all very weird.
Thanks guys, today isn't set to be much better :( I'm not holding much in my stomach the last few days and have a feeling I'll have to go the dr's :(
TWINS!!!! :oops: :)

I'm sorry you feel so shite chick, i hope it gets better very soon. I feel bad for jinxing you now :lol: xx
So do I Toon :mad: :lol:

I hate being sick, its really interfering with everything, house is in a right state :(
bollox to the house sweetie, you just make sure your ok and your kids are ok, everything else can wait. I hope your keeping enough fluids down :hug: xx
Oh you poor thing :(

Hope you start feeling better soon :hug:
Thanks guys

Had tomato soup for dinner with wholewheat crackers and it's stayed down although very nauseous. I kept nothing down till lunchtime and they haven't brought alot up since.

Had a fish n chips today :lol: I've craved chips all week and surprisingly I kept them down :yay:
Yayyy fish and chips every day from now on!!!

Toon - you could have jinxed Mamafy again suggesting Twins!!!!! (take it back!)

Hope you feel better soon X
Yes toon, don't make her take the bat to you ...like :lol:
Howay man lasses, it was all her own fault!! We should change her name to flora........ Spreads easily :rofl: having no electric is no excuse like :)
any who, twins would be a blessing :lol: xx
:rofl: toon you're in bother when she reads about the flora.

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