I'm officially WTT!

positivity :)

Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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Me and OH discussed it properly today and we have decided on LO being about 2 when we start which means 18 months time we will officially TTC no.2 :yay:

So between now and then my main focus is to give Will as much love and attention as i possibly can (not sure how i could possibly give more, think i'm a little obsessed with him) and also need to get the bod back into shape!

so excited already, time will fly xx
It'll totally fly!! Congratulations! Nice to have a plan.
We've no set plan. Just know we've to crack on at some point - I'm 35 this year!! :eek:
Need to move closer to parents, too. I think it'd finish me off having two babies with no help.
Moving in August!

So pleased for you! Xxx
:yay: honestly it'll go so quick!! At first I thought about 2 yrs before trying again and now the thought of that scares me so I'll deff be waiting another year lol. My mum reckons its the perfect age gap though

:love: more bubbas!
The next 18 months will fly by, it will be here before you know it :yay:
Woohoo Pos! Having Will to run around after will make the time go so quick! xxxxxxx
Yay Pos! We'll all be preggers near each other again hopefully! We were thinking of trying sooner but we've decided to have the next year to get straight with money, get the house 100% sorted as there will deffo be no extra money when we have another baby! So excited to try though! xx
It would be so great if a few of the gang were ttc at the same time again :love: xx
Hi. That's brilliant, Id love to have a date to countdown to like that. Feel like I've been wtt forever! I know its only a few years so far but its taking ages to pass and I've still got 3 years to go until my OH will consider it, wants us to finish our medical training first! X

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