in hospital :(


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2009
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Hi everyone, I had to bring Cahal to hospital this afternoon as I found a non-blanching rash on his leg. He was had all the tests and they are growing cultures but suspect meningitis :cry:

The good news is that if it does turn out to be meningitis then the Outlook is good as he has already started treatment and the rash isn't spreading, which is good.

We will be here at least another 48 hours and I'm having real trouble getting cahal to settle. I was just wondering if anyone who has had a LO in hospital had any tips? Just want to go home :(
Oh hun, I'm so sorry to hear that! Fingers crossed it's nothing serious and I'm wishing him a speedy recovery x x
Awwww how awful for u hun, Im so sorry I have no advice, stay strong, lots of love and hugs xxxxx
:hug: hope everything turns out to be ok. Poor thing.

Cant offer advice but sending you both love. x
sorry to hear this hun hope hes better soon x
FUCK! Inky you have my total support. He will be fine and will get better within 24 hours - I found that Matt slept and slept because he was so ill but times when he was unsettled I hummed 'Momma's gonna buy you a Mockingbird' and it sent him to sleep when I rocked him.

I can't believe that you are in that situation, I really feel for you - your LO will be better in no time. If you want to PM me then feel free, having just come through this myself I can share your feelings Im sure. Massive hugs xxx
Oh no hun, I hope it's nothing serious and he feels better soon. When Lucas was in hospital I took in his bed time toy that plays music. If you can take a blanket or toy he likes that smells like home and he can snuggle into it. Thinking of you both xx
Cahal is almost exactly the same age as when Matt had it two weeks ago - I am thinking of you loads xxx
oh my gosh hun :hug: thinking of you all xxxx i was going to suggest a blanket too, just something that reminds him of home! K was older when she was in hosp, but i took loads of books and she liked me reading them, dunno if it was just the sound of my voice or something! huge :hug: hun xxxx
big :hug:
I have no experience but I guess I would try some thing along the lines of that suggested.. something familiar xx
Oh hon, I hope he's ok. Thinking of u and sending u lots of love x x x
Oh hun! Big hugs to you both, keep us updated and I will say a little prayer for Cahal to get well soon :hug: xx
Massive hugs x my prayers and thoughts are with you x
Thank you for your kind words everyone! It's good news this morning, the first lot of tests have come back clear but the rash is still there so he will stay in and carry on with the iv antibiotics until the rest of the results are in, but everyone seems quietly confident that he is ok. He is grouchy but who isn't when they're in hospital! Temperature is ok too phew!!

Can't tell you how worried I have been, I really feel for all those poor little babies that have been crying all night and if I'm honest, feel like a bit if a fraud! I've been reassured that I did the right thing though as the docs said that if he does gave meningitis then he would go down very quickly so of course I've had no sleep cos I've been checking him every 10 minutes lol!

So, hopefully home tomorrow...thank you again for the kind messages, I hope all those beautiful PF babies are ok x
Oh how awful hon, glad to hear LO is making a bit of recovery, must be so scary for you.
My LO was in at 2 and a hlaf weeks and think he was too little to notice the change of surroundings really. Hope he manages to settle a bit for you. Take care x
:hug: Oh goodness hun Im so sorry to hear youve had such an awful night :(

Glad to hear things are looking good now. Keep us updated, thinking of you x
I'm so glad his tests so far have come back clear. Hope he gets better soon xx
omg, I can't believe I missed your post yesterday! huge hugs, what a worrying time, glad he's on the mend though

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