Is induction allowed after previous c-section


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2011
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hi girls

just lookig for some advice really!! my first baby was born by emergency section 10 years ago and i never want to reapeat that experience again unless absoutley necessary :shakehead:

however i did have a second child 6 years later which was a VBAC after spontaneous labour began and he arrived on due date, nobody evr said what would happen if i went over with him but luckily i didnt :)

anyway im pregnant with my 3rd and planning on another VBAC but have heard stories saying that if u go over they will not induce just plan a section, as induction is not allowed due to increased risk of uterine rupture!! no one has ever mentioned this to me and im beginning to worry about the possibilities of going overdue and not being in control of my own situation :-( so was just wondering if anyone knows about this, or knows of anyone who has been induced after a previous c-section??

thanks iin advance for any advice :) xx
I haven't personally had a vbac, but will be planning one with my next (a home vbac though). A baby isn't technically overdue until you're 42 weeks pregnant so they can't ask you to have a section before that. Edd are just that, expected so they're just a guess. Generally they won't induce you with a drip however they may be willing to use a pessary and will generally offer sweeps before you reach 40 weeks.

As you've previously had a successful vbac they may be more willing to induce you and as its been such a long time between births your wound would have had ample time to heal which will aid your cause even more.

Good luck with it and hopefully you'll get your vbac again :)
I think if number 2 was on time the chances of number 3 going overdue are slim, they apparently come a little bit earlier every time (although how true this is I am not 100% sure). I would think the best person to ask would be your mw hun, different areas have different procedures xxxxxxxxx
There are procedures for different areas however you are the pregnant woman and therefor it is all up to you :)

They can only 'advise' you on what to do. More often than not though with a vbac all they do is try and scare you into something.
I got offered a choice of induction or section x bare in mind i had my son and got pregnant quickly after and now am expecting my 2nd baby within the danger zone time as they say leave it two years or more between pregnancies after a section to have a better chance of a vbac problem is i have to have my babies early at 38 weeks because of the gestational diabetes x but i have been told i could have an induction but the risk of rupture scare me too but am thinking maybe i should try that first as worrying about looking after Leo but my situation is different to yours x

26 weeks pregnant. Team yellow too hope to find out peanuts sex on 26th march x
thanx girls

its never entered my mind before that they wouldnt induce me if i went over my dd, its just my friends sister has gone in for a section today 12 days over due as they would not induce her because of her previous section and this is what got me worried as were at the same hospital, but i gotta see consutant next week after growth scan so will be asking him !! but im hoping that as its been 10 years chances are i might be ok or i go into labour early :pray:x
There might be other reasons why she can't be induced hun xxxxxxxx
They dont like to induce labour after a section as induction causes more intence contractions making the risks of uterine rupture higher hun

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