Is she getting enough


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2005
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Hey all i really appologies (sp) if this has been asked before but im unsure as to weither i think frankies getting enough food and milk her weight gain is ok although i think is a little slow she weighs 13lb 9oz and is on the 9th centile this is what her day is generally like:

8am bottle (sometimes breakfast)
12pm bottle
1pm-1.30pm a jar of either sweet or savoury
5-6pm bottle
6.30-6.45pm another jar

she only has 3 bottle during the day sometimes she will take 4 but not always and sometimes i dont think this can be enough for her i do give her juice inbetween times but she wont always take it. am i doing right or wrong here?. :?
Rebecca is roughy the same age as Frankie- 4mnth 3 wks - we were told Rebecca should be having 5-6 bottles a day. I am having a lot of trouble trying to get Rebecca to take botltes now, she doesn't seem to want milk lately :twisted:
matthew has 4-5 a day and is a little older than her, but today he just hasnt been bothered and just wants to sleep ! no doubt tomorrow he will be a little piggy to make up for it maybe you could add a bottle in between lunch and bedtime? what time does she go to bed?
Rubie is 6 months and has 4 bottles per day and was on 1 solid meal at 5.5 months, went up to 2 last week, and today she has started on 3 solid meals. She also has juice inbetween meals.

She has:

7am bottle and cereal
11am bottle
3pm bottle and half jar savoury + half jar fruit
7pm bottle and yogurt

times and meals vary slightly but that's the average :D
you could always give her a bottle before bed then? but if she doesnt want it then go with her just as long as she doesnt drop weight etc and is healthy then i think it would be ok. how much is each bottle in oz that she has?

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