James Alan Waring 15/02/08 *updated with pics*

Jen & Her Men

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Jun 19, 2007
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Jens Birth Story

Birth of James Alan Waring 15/02/2008

**Sorry its taken ages for me to upload pics - my photobucket hasnt been working!**

I had a sweep done on Feb 14th as my SPD was really bad. The doctor said it was looking really promising as I was 2cm dilated and I had lost my plug and had a show the previous day. :cheer: :cheer:
Alan took me home and I put my feet up and I started to get contractions from about 4pm. By 8pm they were pretty bad and Alan called my mum to come round to sit with me – it wasn’t planned for this to happen but I’m so glad he did because she was ace and really helped me get through the first few hours.
Once the contractions were coming about every 4 minutes or so and lasting for a minute as a time, we went to the hospital (about 11pm Valentines Day evening). They put me on a monitor to record the contractions and babies heart beat and left me to it. They were sooooo busy – they had 11 births that night! This meant that unless you were about to pop they didn’t have any room for you, so as my contractions didn’t get any closer together they decided to send me home!!!! And told me to take paracetamol!!! Ha! By this time it was 1.30am on the 15th – they had kept me on the monitor for ages as James’s heart rate was a little on the high side but it settled down and I found myself on the way back home without baby. :cry: :cry:
Got in and ran a hot bath and stayed in that for about an hour and then went and had a lie down. I was pretty knackered by this point! Contractions seemed to lessen off a bit though and I think I managed to close my eyes for half an hour. I was woken up by an almighty big contraction about 3am and decided to go downstairs and get on my birth ball. Alan had gone to sleep by this point. The contractions started coming really thick and fast by about 4am and I called /screamed for Alan to come and take me back to hospital!
The drive there was agony and by the time I got to the hospital I was feeling pretty awful. So much so that I ended up projectile vomiting in the corridor outside the labour ward which I was rather embarrassed about! :puke: Got hooked back up to a monitor and examined again. I was still only 2cm dilated!!! :wall: :wall: I couldn’t believe it! The midwife was a bit concerned as my contractions were very strong so it didn’t make a lot of sense why I wasn’t dilating. So they decided to give me some diamorphine and put me on the pre-natal ward for the night and sent Alan home. I spent the next few hours feeling very spaced out! I didn’t sleep but the painkillers took the edge of the pain and I felt a lot more relaxed. Alan came back into the ward at about 10am as the pain started up again. They examined me again and I had gone up to a whole 3cm dilated!! They told me that baby was back to back and high up in my cervix still so I needed to try and move around to get him further down and try and turn him.
So we went for a walk and the pain made me throw up again. Poor Alan was gagging at the smell but was very good and didn’t leave go of me as I had another huge contraction! He has certainly seen some sights over the course of my labour and it has definitely made us even closer!!
I went back to bed and Alan called my mum to bring me a new nightdress and bits as I had thrown up all over the set I had just put on! By this point I felt I had been in labour for ever and the pains were coming closer and closer together.
We asked Mum to stay with us and she was very pleased! So I ended up with 2 birth partners in the end! It worked really well as it was such a long labour, it meant Alan could go get a breather and leave me with Mum every now and again and they both made the whole experience a lot easier for me.
I was by now making a considerable amount of noise as the pains seemed to come non-stop! The Midwife moved me to a private room which was lovely although I suspect it was because I was making far too much noise for the other patients!! They decided to give me an anti-sickness injection so I could walk around to try and get things moving without throwing up, and I also had gas and air. I used this combination for about 2 hours and near the end of this time I was pretty exhausted. They examined me and I was now 5cm dilated. I decided to have a lie down for a bit to celebrate!! I went a bit delirious at this point as I was sooooo tired and apparently I was saying all sorts of weird things – I remember giggling at myself at one point cos I realised I as talking a load of gibberish. The pains seemed to be wearing off a little bit and I was feeling very drowsy and nodded off for a few seconds, only to be woken by the biggest contractions yet, then a big pop as my waters broke!
I was really chuffed that they had gone as I felt I was approaching the final hurdle. The Midwife transferred me over to the labour ward at about 5pm and I was promised an epidural!! Woo hoo!
The labour ward midwives took over and examined me – I was still only 5cm dilated. I was so frustrated by this point as I really felt that I must have progressed further. I got pretty tearful at this point as I couldn’t see an end. Then the anaesthetist came and gave me an epidural and everything seemed so much better after that! I was watching the monitor show me having these huge contractions and I didn’t feel a thing!! It was ace! I was really looking forward to getting some sleep at this point and waiting for my cervix to dilate further but no such luck. Everything that could go wrong had gone wrong so far and true to form continued in the same way. The medics had huge problems getting a line into my arm for the epidural and they tried about 6 times. I ended up with 3 lines – 2 in one hand and one in the other which were really sore. They also couldn’t draw blood so I looked like a pin cushion and 4 different people tried to get blood out of me over the next hour or so!! They were even considering getting it from my foot at one point but fortunately they managed to get it out my arm just in time!!
Then the main consultant came to see me as there was growing concern over James high heart rate, my blood pressure and the fact that he seemed very sleepy. They mentioned the word caesarean for the first time and I started to get very anxious. I was really worried about James and couldn’t believe that after 29 hours of labour it may all be for nothing as I may need a C Section. They kept on monitoring me and the baby but when they came to examine me again at 10pm and I was still only 5cm dilated, they took the decision to do the section. I really panicked at this point and they did say I could wait longer if I wanted but I was too worried about my son so I said I would do whatever was necessary to give him the best and safest start possible.
They then prepped me for surgery and explained what would be happening and there were loads of people coming in and out of the room. They then took me down to the operating theatre and Alan stayed behind to get his scrubs on.
I was shaking uncontrollably by this point with fear at the prospect of being cut open when awake – I was given the option of being put to sleep but declined as I didn’t want to miss out on the birth experience all together, but as I was being hooked up to monitors I started to wonder whether I had made the right decision. I can honestly say I have never been so scared in the whole of my life.
I was looking for Alan and waiting for him to come in when they said “are we ready to start then?” I pretty much screamed at this point that my husband wasn’t in the room!!! That would have been the final straw!!! Fortunately they went to get him and he did his best to keep me calm by talking about what it would be like when James arrived and what he would look like etc.
All the while I could feel them cutting into me – it didn’t hurt or anything but I could feel the pulling and tugging sensations – it was very very odd and not very pleasant!! Then the tugging really started and they had a really hard job of getting the baby out. They had to use forceps in the end. When they finally removed him from my belly at 22:58 I felt this sensation of lightness and I could really tell he had gone! It was bizarre! Then I heard this gurgling/crying noise and then he appeared! All I could hear was people saying “My God look at the size of him!” and things to that effect!! Then they weighed him and he was a huge 10lb 2oz! The Consultant told Alan there was no way I could have given birth naturally as my pelvis was too small AND the baby was too big so I made the right decision having the operation when I did. :D
Then they handed the baby to Alan as they stitched me up and I felt soo much calmer although I still had the shakes really badly! It was horrible not being able to hold him at this point but I consoled myself that at least he was by my side and I could see him. It seemed to take forever to be stitched up, once they had finished they stitched me up and wheeled me to recovery where I finally got to hold my baby boy. All the pain and fear disintegrated at this point and I just felt overwhelmed with love for my little man. I breast fed him in recovery and we both took to it straight away – it felt so natural.
So after 30 hours of pain, throwing up, needles, and a C section, I had my baby boy James. And what is mad is that I would do it all again tomorrow if it meant having my baby boy. He truly is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me and I love love LOVE being a mummy!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:



awww congratulations!!

Sounds like you had a tough time but you'll soon forget all about it! xxx
awww congratulations...sounds like i had a bit of a journey getting there but made it to motherhood eventually!!!!!

wow jen what a briliant birth story.
it's all worth it aint it xxxxxxx
well done xxxx
:cheer: Congratulations hun! Sounds like you had a really tough time but you did it and have your baby boy :D It's the best feeling in the world isn't it?! Enjoy :hug:
Congratuations, hes lovely! what a birth story as well, sounds like it was a manic birth.

Hope your recovering well and baby james has taken to the boobs :D
gosh, you really had a time of it. thanks for sharing your story with us hon.

and a HUGE well done to you and James!!!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
congrats hun, WOW what a size :shock: glad all came well in the end.

any pics??

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