Labour - The Fathers Job


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2006
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Right obviously the only people who can explain the pain of giving birth are women

I will never experience it physically, but can any of you give me a comparison to the pain?

Also, as a dad, apart from actually being their to support her, what things can i do to help her through it, ease the pain... relax her, calm her down?

Help !
The pain is like someone grabbing your balls and squeezing them for days on end. Its worse than any pain in the whole world, so think of a pain and times it by 1000000000000000+ lol

As for the fathers job at the birth, just stand there and let her hit you :D
You should get some ante natal classes nearer the birth, the ones we went to gave the dads some ideas. If I was you I would perhaps read around in pregnancy magazines, or see if there are any groups around you for dads to be?
violet-glow said:
The pain is like someone grabbing your balls and squeezing them for days on end. Its worse than any pain in the whole world, so think of a pain and times it by 1000000000000000+ lol

As for the fathers job at the birth, just stand there and let her hit you :D


Ouch, that would kill !!!!!

Yeh she has said i will probably get a few punches. Ill just wear a bullet proof vest and a hocket mask :p
beanie said:
You should get some ante natal classes nearer the birth, the ones we went to gave the dads some ideas. If I was you I would perhaps read around in pregnancy magazines, or see if there are any groups around you for dads to be?

Yeh, that sounds good. I would get a bit embaressed tho infront of other people coz im quite shy. But since its for the baby why not hey !
Sorry didnt really answer your question did i... erm just reasure her all the time, just let her know that everythings ok, thats always good to hear. My babys father wasnt there at the birth of my son, my mum was there instead. She was awesome! She was holding my hand, giving me water... just having her there helped alot. Your babys mummy will feel the same having you there.
JMC said:
Right obviously the only people who can explain the pain of giving birth are women

I will never experience it physically, but can any of you give me a comparison to the pain?

Also, as a dad, apart from actually being their to support her, what things can i do to help her through it, ease the pain... relax her, calm her down?

Help !

Awwww you've got a long way to go before you have to worry about this! Have you spoken to your GF about any of this stuff?....she might have some ideas on what your role should be.
urchin said:
JMC said:
Right obviously the only people who can explain the pain of giving birth are women

I will never experience it physically, but can any of you give me a comparison to the pain?

Also, as a dad, apart from actually being their to support her, what things can i do to help her through it, ease the pain... relax her, calm her down?

Help !

Awwww you've got a long way to go before you have to worry about this! Have you spoken to your GF about any of this stuff?....she might have some ideas on what your role should be.

I havnt discussed it yet i'll have a chat with her see what she thinks :)
JMC said:
violet-glow said:
The pain is like someone grabbing your balls and squeezing them for days on end. Its worse than any pain in the whole world, so think of a pain and times it by 1000000000000000+ lol

As for the fathers job at the birth, just stand there and let her hit you :D


Ouch, that would kill !!!!!

Yeh she has said i will probably get a few punches. Ill just wear a bullet proof vest and a hocket mask :p

May I add?..... plus a hot poker up yer arse at the same time!! :lol: :lol:

:oops: :oops: My experience anyway!!!

Emilia xx
I nearly squeezed my oh balls whilst pushing :shock: needed to squeeze something and grabed what was the closest to me, which was his upper leg. I nearly broke his finger too lol

Just be there for her, give her encouragement or behorrible like mine was :wink: After 2 and a half hour pushing with no success, he told the midwives to take away the gas and air because i was not pushing enough. He told them if i did not have to do things i wouldn't do them. So they took the gas and air off me, it killed but after 2 massive pushes the head came out. Could have killed him for that but the pain was so bad i wanted him out as quick as possible and it worked :wink:
You sound really in tune with the way women feel about pregnancy stuff and must be a sensitive chap to be on here so I think you will do just fine and will be a devoted father :)
minikins said:
You sound really in tune with the way women feel about pregnancy stuff and must be a sensitive chap to be on here so I think you will do just fine and will be a devoted father :)

Thanks !

Reading some of the girls comments about giving birth its turning me white...

You are all really brave, if it was me who had to go through it i would be shittin 1 for the whole 9 months !!
Well i think its like having the worst period pain ever and u dont get them so, maybe the worst food poisioning stomach cramps uve ever had x1000 then and like your constipated and when u push it out its like a hedgehog cuming out (the size of a melon) backwards, :shock: i had a natural birth and next time im taking everything they offer, dont tell yer partner though coz it will just scare her XkelX
futuremum - i'd have killed him... i'd have riped his balls off then ask the MW to attach them back but without pain killer...

Yeah Haley i just read that post mustav missed it that time yeah future mum i would have gone mad, My OH took his PSP and was playing it inside the labour ward, he kept saying im thinking about goin home coz im tired and come back later, jeeeesus and what am i fresh as a daisy, he kept saying you dont bloody need the toliet just stay where you are, next time id defo think of taking my mum, he was useless xkelx
Kas said:
Yeah Haley i just read that post mustav missed it that time yeah future mum i would have gone mad, My OH took his PSP and was playing it inside the labour ward, he kept saying im thinking about goin home coz im tired and come back later, jeeeesus and what am i fresh as a daisy, he kept saying you dont bloody need the toliet just stay where you are, next time id defo think of taking my mum, he was useless xkelx

OMG! (hides this thread from OH) Theres noway id let my OH take his PSP arrghhh that would drive me round the bend! I hope you kicked your OH hard where it hurts!

My mum was telling me when I was born my Dad fell asleep, she had to keep shouting at him to wake up :roll:
Dont wory he got enough abuse that day to last him a lifetime hehe, hes got the cheek to bring up the fact that i was asking for them to call my mum, no wonder with him wiv his head in the psp and half fallin asleep XkX
I felt really sorry for my DH because it must be so difficult watching the person you love go through pain.

That said, the pain wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be.

All you can do is be there for her, do whatever she needs/asks you to do.

I really relied on my DH to help me get through the pushing stage. He helped me through when I needed to breathe and when I needed to push and gave me plenty of support verbally which is what I asked him to do.

As well as letting me squeeze his hand extrememly tightly.

Try not to worry too much about it, when the time comes you'll both get through it together.

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