My due date


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2011
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Hi all!

Well it's not official yet (I haven't had doctor confirmation) but after quite a few hpts it looks like I'm pregnant :lol:

I have a question about how far along I am though.

I came off the pill at the end of last month and had a withdrawal bleed on 3rd July. My period before that was on the 17th June. I assumed that my withdrawal bleed was another proper period which would put my next period at 31st July, therefore nothings really set in stone as I haven't officially missed a period. I took a pregnancy test last Saturday which confirmed I was pregnant and I have just taken another one today using a clear blue digital. It says I'm 2-3 weeks and on the box says that it means 4-5 weeks based on how the doctor would date it. How can I be when I haven't even missed a period yet?!:eh:

So my question is, when was my last period? Does my withdrawal bleed count? Can anyone help or better still has anyone had this with their own pregnancy. Or should I just explain all this to the doctor.

Lots of a love a very confused but excited Jo!

Can anyone help? So confused!!!
I'd guess your withdrawal bleed was actually your period. You are dated back to the first day of your last period by the Dr, but the Clearblue test tells you how long since you fell pregnant (hence the difference in dates).

So basically, you conceived between 6 and 13th of July. If you usually have a 28 day cycle, this would mean your last period was around 2 weeks before that (which fits in with the withdrawal bleed I reckon).
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I know this isn't a proper answer to your question but pill isn't 100%. That is how I've managed to fall pregnant.
But I think it fits in with your withdrawal bleed. x
It's just very strange that I was getting a positive test nine days before my due date! That's why I though perhaps the withdrawal bleed doesn't count, plus I've been having symptoms for at least two weeks now. The morning sickness started on Tuesday with a vengeance!! I guess I just feel further along than 3 weeks.

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