My poor congested baby :(


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2011
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Arrrgghhhh, after the drama at the weekend being nothing, poor little Ariel has developed what appears to be a cold. He's all blocked up and mucousy today and generally unwell. I feel so bad for him and someone remarked he was extremely young to be getting colds so I feel like a bit of a bad mummy now. I've kept him upright on my chest all afternoon/ evening, sat in a steamy shower room with him twice so far, popped some breast milk drops in his nose and even sucked the snot coming out his nose to clear it (tmi. but the bulb syringe just made him wail so inconsolably and didn't do nearly such an effective job. I've now got him in bed on my chest propped up for skin to skin as I've read this can be good for ill babies. I think I'll be up all night so I can keep him comfortably upright but a little annoyed as DH has refused to do anything but look over me anxiously stressing me out even more. He's no longer sleeping in the same room as us (since he's gone back to work including the weekends because he needs his sleep apparently and to have lie ins) so he can't take shifts to have Ariel on our chest so the other can sleep, he won't do the steamy room with him, I would never even mention sucking out the mucuos and he's just gone to bed now. It annoys me more because he acts like he's oh so concerned, questions how I'm looking after Ariel but then when he has something better to do that's more important!

Sorry for the rant, just worried about Ariel, feeling guilty and annoyed at DH. If anyone has any suggestions for congested babies that would be great too!
I can't give you any advice on this, but wanted to comment because my Noah is exactly the same at the moment! He's very sniffly and whingey :( feel so bad because I can't take it away for him. Bought one of those nasal sprays to ease congestion, but it doesn't even work!

His eye also seems to be quite watery and I've had to wipe away a bit of discharge twice in the last hour - praying it's not an infection :(
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Henry is sniffley. He caught it from DH who came down with a cold not long after we came home. The dr gave us saline nose drops to use before and after a feed to clear his nose and I have to say they do work. I've also had him in the bathroom with me when I shower so the steam gets to him. I also raised the head end of his Moses basket mattress slightly by putting a hand towel under it. It raises it enough for them not to be lying flat.

It's horrible having a poorly baby, especially when it's a cold they affects their feeding and sleeping.

As for ur DH, mine doesn't do anythin at night either. Still sleeps in the same room tho as we only have a 2 bedroom so e would need to sleep on the sofa if he wasn't in bed! I do let him sleep be side he has to get up for work but if I needed him to do somethin I would wake him and he would do it. It's frustrating when they won't help.

Sending u :hug: xxx
Aww... Big hugs to you and Ariel. Sounds like you are doing everything you can to help his symptoms. Hopefully he'llstart to feel better soon.
As for your DH - certainly sounds quite unfair. Mine doesn't do any night feeds during the week, but s happy to take a turn at weekends - he can see how exhausted I am and wants to help when he can, but I feel guilty asking for help. Having a baby I think takes away the luxury of weekend 'lie ins' - hope your DH realises that soon so he is more willing to help at least at weekends. Xx
Hope ariel is feeling better today, I'm dreading samuels first cold :( it sounds like you're being an awesome mom do don't beat yourself up.
As for your other half I would be having words, my dh loves having s on his chest and sees it as real skin to skin bonding time. I understand he's got to go to work but if ariel is poorly than this surely is exceptional circumstances which he needs to step up for x x x
My OH has slept on the sofa for 12 weeks! I can't advise more to get the calpol nose spray! It is the bollocks and really helps clearing the snot!

My OH has slept on the sofa for 12 weeks! I can't advise more to get the calpol nose spray! It is the bollocks and really helps clearing the snot!

Jaidens been snuffly/congested for a while now and agree with Pinky the Calpol nasal spray is fab works instantly and suitable from birth xx
Poor you and LO. Hopefully he'll get over it quickly. My oh doesn't do anything at night which really annoys me, our older son has a nasty cough/cold so the last few nights I've been feeding Joe or looking after Ben, my oh doesn't either stir!
i passed on my cold to lo too,even though i tried my very best not to..i got some nasel drops and they really helped him..
Aw I feel so bad for you! I hope Ariel feels better soon! K has a congested nose too, but doesn't mind the aspirator. She actually laughed when I used it yesterday, silly thing! As for your husband, have a talk. I know I expected mine to do more too. He also doesn't think he should lose any sleep since I am breastfeeding so have to be up anyway. I think he should get up with her after she feeds around 7 or 8 on weekends so that I can sleep in :). How did you do through the night?
Thanks ladies - just good to get support.

We were ok through the night, not much sleep for me as I had him on my chest to keep him upright but he's such a happy little thing he's making this a lot less worrying. When I got up with him at 4 for a steamy room session, he wad smiling and cooing at me the whole time. Bought the calpol nasal spray which has started to clear him out and he's been fairly happy today so hoping it will be going by Saturday.
Joe has caught Ben's cold now, a few snotty sneezes this morning. So my job this morning is to get some calpol nasal spray. How is Ariel?
Awwww poor kiddies! I hope they're both feeling better soon - colds are so miserable for babies and children.

Ariel's getting there but still too congested to be comfortable to lie down on his back. DH did a little shift tonight so I could grab a few zzzs but has gone back to the living room now.
Wish my DH would sleep on the sofa. Henry settles quickly at night if I feed him in bed, but takes a while when im sitting up.

Henry is suffering tonight which is why he is playing up. I've used the calpol spray and the aspiratiorto try and make him a but more comfortable.

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