~*NEW*~ 37weeks + Labour signs, advise and hugs thread

Right be prepared to be amazed, got a bit of dodge tummy and the whole bump was feeling tight this morning, paniced it was starting and so.......i have started my hospital bag....not finished but done LO's stuff and some of mine! Woohoo! Wouldn't be me if I had actually finished and was totally organised, i'll prob still be running round at the last minute!! :lol:

Tummy feeling better now but just soooo tight, there is no room left in there!!

Hope you are all well, good luck tomorrow Sugarhigh :hug: :cheer:
lol hun i just packed my bag tonight lmao! and at the end of the day not doing it too far in advance was easier for me because i bought new little vests etc i wanted to take yesterday so i have been able to put them in rather than having to pull everything out and start again :)
Evening everyone :wave:

jools221181 said:
I never realised we will have both our LO's so close in age! Brody is exactly the same as Evie by the sounds of it! I could have been the one writing all of that word for word! Brody is a bit clingy at the moment so I'm unsure how he is going to react to me breastfeeding especially! I'm so hoping he doesn't feel left out at all :pray:

Well I'm not in any rush myself but Kev is getting anxious bless him and is sleeping less than I am :lol: He cooked us a curry last night and came back form Asda with 2 pineapples today too :rotfl: I ate them but I think you have to have far more than 2! I love the stuff though but eating 2 whole ones didn't do much for my heartburn :wall: :lol:

I think he was just expecting this one to be here by now as Brody came 16 days early.
Jools - it seems from taking an active note from other BF mummies of two that feeding time is a good time to read stories/ have a cuddle. I just remember how time consuming those first weeks are and I think thats going to be the toughest with regards to making sure Evie doesn't feel left out. I just have visions of her running amok with paint or pens as I'm trying to get the new babba to latch on or fall asleep :lol: :lol:
Bless your OH, he sounds excited - do second babies usually come early if the first did? He obviously has plans he will :lol:

Sugarhigh said:
I'm still around hun, just enjoying my last night on puter before i have my boy
sugarhigh - :hug: :hug: said in your other post, good luck hun, hope things are starting for you. Labour dust being sent your way by the truckload :hug: How exciting :cheer:

KirstyD said:
.......i have started my hospital bag....not finished but done LO's stuff and some of mine! Woohoo! Wouldn't be me if I had actually finished and was totally organised, i'll prob still be running round at the last minute!! :lol:
Kirsty - :shhh: its only 6 days until your due date :shhh: ( :cheer: ) I've packed Evie's bag this weekend for if she has to shipped off to friends. My mum's coming to stay but not til 2 days before my due date so friends are our back up plan for early arrivals! So I've achieved a little too :hug:
Sugarhigh I'm so excited for you :cheer:
KirstyD it sounds like you won't be long either :cheer: Well done on packing your bag :lol: I've had mine packed since about 32 weeks but keep adding to it I think I'm all done now :D

Fluffy Bunny those are my fears too :lol: those first few weeks are hard enough without worrying what our little monsters are getting up to :lol: I've got a sling so I'm thinking that might help to have both hands free while feeding.
I think Kev is so eager as he has just had a week off work and is reluctant to go back to be honest :lol:
Who have we got still in here, just seen firstangel has had her LO and sugarhigh is in labour!

I'm still here! My upset tummy didn't start things off :(
Think I may be losing plug though, got a couple of big lumps of like egg White/snotty lumps (sorry if tmi) the last few days but nothing today :think:
Do you think it's the plug or just a couple days heavy discharge? There wasn't any blood in it or pinky tinge, just cleary/yellowy.

Really got no room left for baby to get any bigger, everytime I eat anything I feel sooo uncomfy and full!
I've been having exactly the same Kirsty but it's been going on for over a week now so I'm unsure if it is plug or just usual stuff to be honest!It's like jelly! :puke:
I thought things were happening this morning after getting some really bad crampy aches all around my back and tummy for about an hour but that was it!

Hope things start for you soon :hug: :hug:
Hi all :wave: . Thought I'd come in here now even though I've not really had any signs of labour starting yet. I'm generally uncomfortable but no clear indicators yet.

Baby was 2/5 palpable at the midwife last week but was 3/5 this week. I had walked round town for 2.5 hours before last week's appointment though so guess gravity may have had something to do with it! But 2nd babies (or 3rd...or 4th) apparently don't tend to engage until right up till labour anyway so not too fussed about what he's doing atm.

To be honest, I could do without him arriving this week anyway as my OH has tons on at work, with a view to making himself available from next week. I've also got quite a bit round the house to do - I'd like to see the bottom of the ironing basket for example, as I know I won't wanna do that when I've just given birth! :lol:

I'm just enjoying a few more days of still being pregnant, especially as this is (probably) the last time I'll do it. People are always so nice to me atm!
MummyJess part of me feels the same as you too - I know how much I will miss being pregnant once he arrives! :hug: :hug: :hug:

I have midwife this afternoon so not sure what she will do. I didn't get this far with Brody so I haven't a clue but I'm guessing it's just for general checks and feel if he has moved down? :think:

If he hasn't arrived ny a week Thursday I have to see the consultant and haven't a clue what he will say either! :wall: :lol: It's the not knowinng that drives me mad!!!
Evening ladies. Hope you're all doing alright and not feeling too uncomfy :)

I'm shattered of late. I mean, I was tired before but this is something else. Trying to keep my mood buoyant though and not give in to the grumbles. I'm just napping where I can. In-between cleaning sprees. I've been getting quite a lot of mucusy discharge too. Possible TMI, but I felt really squelchy down there this morning so I think it could be my plug gradually coming away. Gawd, the things we discuss! :oops:

Got my homebirthing supplies arriving first thing tomorrow morning :cheer:

Hope your appointment went well, Jools.
Morning ladies :wave:

Everything is quite calm around here (calm before the storm?!) I too have been getting increased discharge but don't think its my plug as its not at all bloody? I am feeling a bit more 'sensitive' and swollen down below and putting this down to increased blood flow - maybe things are getting ready? I have the MW tom so we'll see what she has to say.

Evie is in nursery today (she is staying on one day a week at least to begin with while I adjust) so I am now definately off to pack my hosp bag - if anyone sees me on the forum in the next couple of hours, tell me to get lost :)

Sounds like sugarhigh is having a rough time :hug: for her, hope her little one comes soon

Anyone heard how Gracie is doing?

So who's next? Is it you Kirsty? (got that hosp bag packed yet? :D )
Mornin' :wave:

Hope you're packing :wink:

One of the midwives who dropped the stuff off today did an antenatal check so I don't have to go down to the clinic on Friday now. Bubs has a strong, steady heartbeat, responds well, measures 39 weeks and is 2/5 engaged (3/5 are palpable). My blood pressure remains healthy and pee pee is normal too. Spoke at length about the homebirth. I feel quite relaxed about it all.

It feels good to have all the equipment (bar the canisters of gas and air, they are going to be delivered seperately) in the house. Makes it feel so much more imminent :dance:
Done :cheer: :cheer:

Didn't take long at all, now off to treat myself to some cheesy chips for lunch :D

Pickled_onion - glad you are feeling relaxed, after a paniky few weeks of 'what am I doing' I'm really excited now too :cheer:
It must all seem so near now if you've had all the homebirth stuff dropped off - funny they don't leave the gas and air with you, obviously don't want to arrive to find it all gone :lol: :lol:
Hi girls,

I'm currently sitting in town in Nails Inc, my mum treated me to a manicure so just waiting for them to dry whilst surfing PF on my phone!! Ah the wonders of technology!

I'm due Sunday so getting close now, things have defo become more uncomfy the last week so hopefully it's baby moving down!! Getting lots of discharge too and general increased dampness down there so hopefully that's a good thing, you girls sound similar, so see who will be next!

Oh yes I have got my hospital bag packed bar the few things I'm using that'll get chucked in last minute!! Can't believe i've finally packed :dance:

Loving the photographic evidence of bag packing, you are allowed back on now Fluffy :)
It's so exciting reading about all these hospital bags packed :cheer: :D

Well I definately don't think this one is coming anytime soon now! Midwife could feel his while head again yesterday so the little monkey must be popping up and down! He feels really high again and he is also creeping around back to back again :wall: Also measuring well over so got to get that checked next week too. I'm at the consultant next Thursday anyway so will see what he has to say :D

Hope you are all feeling good today :hug:

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