New BLW's - Share Here

Yay! Hope it goes well hun! We've started with brekkie and been doing that for about 2 weeks! Next week we will introduce that for a few weeks and so on!

We started with mainly fruit....banana, mango, pineapple and then gradually introduced yoghurt, rusks....yesterday she had toast with banana on it and today porridge with fruit!

Plan to do similar with lunches and start with fruit then introduce other things!

HTH and good luck....let us know how you get on :) xx

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Well we are kind of getting the hang of it now, had a fair few gagging incidents which resulted in major projectile vomit, really had to resist the urge to help him when he gags but so far he's sorted himself out after a few heart stopping moments!!! His face is an absolute picture when he first tastes something!! He looks so worried and freaked out!!! He's really getting the hang of grabbing it and putting stuff in his mouth, I even found a few little chunks of something in his nappy this morning!!!
Well that's us on day 3. Think my oh is worried about him not getting enough but tried to reassure him that breast milk is enough for now. Tonight was a bit of a nightmare though as Kynon was really frustrated at not being able to pick everything up properly. I think i made the mistake of having tea too late and not feeding him first as he was happy at lunch time. He had bread sticks, hummus and banana at lunch and mango, pineapple, broccoli, carrot and baby corn at tea. He loved pineapple and baby corn so far and the hummus. The gagging is so scary, how come the get such big lumps off? Does this stage last long? Im also a bit scared of him vomiting, is that normal? I have a vomiting phobia which doesn't help!

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I'm hoping the vomiting is normal cos he's done it everytime he's gagged???? The worst was a bit of Apple he managed to get a huge chunk off and he started coughing and gagging then next thing this fountain of milk came up, I ran him to the bathroom and he started to cough again and vomited again but in the middle of it all was a large piece of Apple then he was fine as if nothing had happened, poor hubby was traumatised as it went all over him and filled his trainers :rofl: !! He did it again with some pineapple when a chunk broke off but he was wearing a scoop bib and I caught all the sick in that but it put me and hubby right off our brekky!!!!

We are in day 3 too, its so exciting!!! I defo make sure he's fed at least 10 mins before we give him food so he doesn't get frustrated, altho I swear he chowed down on a rusk today as if he was starving, there was more chomping than playing!!!!

I can't wait until I'm not panicking over every bite!!!
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That does sound scary bunny! Kynon has gagged loads and just the lump of food has come out luckily, maybe because I've not fed him for a couple of hours before! Everyone is still a bit anti BLW which doesn't help, feel like I'm constantly justifying our choice. It's like they get to 6 months and people think breast milk isn't good enough anymore!
I admire you ladies, well done.My boy was just too hungry and his hand coordination isnt good. I am doing a mixture still - he will gum things like banana, pear himself and I let him hold the spoon and play with it and food but I know he has a cry for when he wants food - so I give it to him. I guess the advantage of trying is he can handle lumpy food so we skipped the pureee stage but I know I would be panicking over gagging, thankfully we didnt have any yet. I will be popping in to see how you all go.

I have not a fussy eater, fingers crossed, he even liked broccoli! lol
love the faces they pull when trying new things! Holly had butternut squash last night and going by her face you would have thought i was trying to poison her but she finished the lot!
Lol bless her! N looks so worried when he puts a new flavour in his mouth but he keep going!! I've not managed to get a photo yet but I keep trying :)

Sounds like what your doing is working for you knopk@ we've not tried broccoli yet but I love it so I hope he does too!!!

Sarah omg I so know what you mean, I'm having problems with my parents, even today after sitting and telling my mum how well he was doing (she refuses to look at photos of him eating and tries to change the subject when I tell her what he's had) she started saying he was suffering as he isn't getting enough iron as there is no iron in his milk, I should be giving him baby cereal to make sure he is getting enough!! I don't even know what baby cereal is?? I said he's fine with just milk at the moment so it doesn't matter if he's swallowing his food or not, so she said no he's not fine with just his milk as that is not what she read!! Honestly I despair!!! At least my mil is onboard she gave him chicken casserole and a banana while he was visiting this afternoon!! I guess we just have to rise above it and just have thick skins about it!!
After last night Im getting loads more confidence, would loved the doubters to have watched him last night, bet he managed as much as any puree eater. I was going to spoon feed him a yogurt but after only 4 days of BLW he grabbed the spoon off me to do it himself! I loaded the spoon for him but he used the spoon himself, it was amazing and he ate loads of it!
I wish people would understand that after 6 months of milk they don't suddenly run out of vitamins or minerals and suddenly starve, guess there are some people we will often convince bunny! he's been doing well with his tippy cup too!
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That's fantastic! Well done K!!!! We are about to try porridge again for brekkie he had it for his first meal but just squashed his hands in it!! I'm going to see how he will do with a spoon, fx!
Just sharing a pic of my boy eating parsnips this morning, he wants to hold the spoon himself!uploadfromtaptalk1332930810619.jpg

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Our hv said to give them meat and fish to keep iron levels up. Made tuna croquettes and Holly loves them. Keep on telling people that milk is what tney need !
Aw knopk that's a lovely pic!! I have a great one of N eating his porridge but I need the laptop to post it up and I'm in bed ill so cba to get it!!! He's doing great with his eating, we only started a week today and he can hold his spoon and feed his own porridge and yoghurt. He's eaten all sorts and has even started chewing! I had Caesar salad for tea and gave him the same except for the lettuce and he chomped through chicken, tomato, advocado, cucumber and salad dressing with no probs apart from a slight gag on the chicken I'm so Impressed with him and he absolutely loves It he sits in his chair and bangs his fist as if to say where is my food!!
Beanster thanks for the tip I'll try add more meat and fish to our meals :)
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Anyone's baby had an off day? Kynon has been anti food today. Not interested at all and just wanted out of his high chair at lunch and dinner. Everything was just swiped onto the floor for the dog and yesterday he threw most stuff as well. I didn't pressure him just tried a bit more which also got rejected. I do think he's tired as hes slept worse than normal the last few days and is a bit grumpy. But up until yesterday he was really enjoying food.

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Hey hun....LO was the same on Sunday...but by Monday back to normal. She did have a cold though so probably not much help!!

We've just moved onto tea she has brekkie and tea! Tonight she had pasta with a vegetable and tomato sauce! Wasn't too impressed lol! She wolfed down the yoghurt afterwards though! Little monkey!

Am trying to give her what we have really to make it easier! Also makes us eat healthier which is good!

Any ideas for tea would be greatly appreciated xx

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He was a bit happier today but I've been having trouble settling him at night, 10 times he fed last night so now Im getting the "hes hungry and not getting enough" thing and I should feed him, argh!
We had roasted veg in olive oil tonight he enjoyed that. Im doing the same as you smith, just whatever we have but finding it hard as Im vegetarian and Hubby is away and he doesn't think we should feed him quorn but Im not getting in lumps of meat just for Kynon to suck and throw to the dog! I also eat a fair bit of rice and cous cous which Kynon won't be able to pick up yet.
Another question what do you do to make slippery food easy to hold like melon and mangos?

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Hey...don't worry about them beingoff food for a bit - Arthur is 9 month sold nad he has been like this for the last couple days, he's teething as well. He used to love fish but my lovingly made fishcake was thrown on the floor accompanied by a scream. He didn't want anything!

Sarah-do you think you could stretch more time between the night feeds? I have found the amount of food he takes during the day mkaes no difference to the nights. I had to work really hard to get him to stop feeding during the night, but once I did it, he got the message.

I found the "waste of food" really hard to deal with.

re meals (sarah, this would work for you re meat as well) - I'd cook up a batch for baby and freeze in portions. The meatballs in tomato suace reciepe from the BLW cookbook went down a treat. I gave with big pasta, but you could just give the meatballs. I froze 2 meatballs in sauce in little plastic baggies so I always had a meal for A.
the meatballs were softer and tastier and easier to eat than the patties btw
Sarah & smith1980 if your stuck for ideas what to feed them the blw is great gives some good ideas for family meals everyone can enjoy, also with regards to rice it says to make it quite sticky so the baby can pick up clumps so if u tried that Kynon might be able to eat it? We are trying risotto this week!!!
I think they can go 1 step fwd and 2 steps back with blw and its perfectly normal, N was racing along doing great then he had a day where he'd only eat a yoghurt and nothing else. I think teething affects them, do you think that's why Kynon was up so much?????

Also can I add that being hungry is not always why babies wont sleep so don't listen to them Sarah, N ate a whole bowl of porridge, some toast, banana, yoghurt, chicken, advocado plus all his daily milk, then he had a rusk just before bed and drank 6oz of goodnight milk which contains cereal & 3oz of hungry baby milk and he was up a few hours later and several other times in the night!! There wasn't physically anymore I could have given him!!!!!! So tell that to the doubters!!!!
Thanks for the ideas! Wow bunny that is a lot of food! He could be teething but not showing the normal signs. He seems to have lots of wind, do you think they can get wind from sucking and chewing all this new food?

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