No idea what to do...


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2006
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Taken from a post elsewhere (annoyed at FIL right now so cant be bothered to right it again -_- )

Ok, its prob a bit early for me to be worrying about this, but I am...

I'm in the middle of a job application right now. Gotta pass some tests, an hours phone interview AND a normal interview before I find out if I've got the job or not, but I can't help stress over it. The job's an hours bus ride away, as I cant drive yet, which would mean getting up early to catch the 7:20 bus. If the job doesnt finish until after 5 i'd have to get the 6:15 bus back and get home after 7:30. That would mean a 12 hour day, followed up most likely by having to cook (DH can't cook anything healthy and FIL always does the same thing or something i dont like and way over cooks vegetables). I've never had a job before, so not only will it be a VERY tiring day, but could put some strain on my relationship with DH. Ok, so it sounds like a pretty weird job for me to go for with all that considered

BUT its THE ONLY accountancy job I can find that do on the job training. Everywhere else i'd have to do a course somewhere and start with them AFTER i'm part qualified -_- So this is a great opportunity for me. Once i've got qualified with this job i'd work up til the point that i dont owe them training fees then get a job back home. And once I learn to drive the trip will only be 20-30mins.

Thing is, i know from a friend's experience, that if I left the job early I'd have to pay them training fees. If my friend leaves before she's been there 2 years she'll have to pay them £2000 :shock:

I really dont know if its worth the risk that i'll hate it :( I have anxiety so it could make me worse. But its just such a great opportunity! If it is 9:30-5:30 i could prob ask them to change my hours to 9-5.

What do you think? Should i take it if i'm offered it?
firstly RELAX,
would you be on a trial/probationary period and if things didnt work out on either side what would the terms of ending the job be, these are things you need to ask at your interview.

An hours journey would take some getting used to but you may also find that it gives you time to catch up on reading/coursework etc that you may have from your training, is DH supportive of you getting this job? then if he can cook unhealthy food he can learn healthy, you'll get into a routine, even if you decide to still do the cooking then do more than i meal a nite, I do that, cook bolognase/chilli somefin like that and bung it in the freezer. only cook a couple of times a week then.
rather than put a strain on your relationship you may find quite the opposite.

concentrate on your interviews first, the rest will fall in place


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