On the Road to My IVF Journey


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2018
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So here I am in LTTTC - I should have joined here ages ago but I suppose I was just hoping a miracle would happen.
I’m guessing the ladies reading this, already know me so are intrigued to know the outcome of our follow up meeting with the consultant yesterday.

My results from the HSG was all clear so that’s good to know. OH’s results not so good. He’s morphology has gone from 1% to 0% - to say we are absolutely gutted is an understatement :sad:
There are then, the consultant handed me over a form with a list of IVF clinics and told me to go away and choose which one would work for us. It was all very overwhelming and I walked out there with a banging headache.

I am really hurting inside but as you can imagine the OH felt like absolute shit so I put on a front and made sure he knew it wasn’t he’s fault and we are going to get through this together.

So the next steps for us: we did a bit of research last night ordered a shit load of new vitamins on amazon that specifically will help morphology, we have both decided we are going to give up drinking until December, he is a social smoker so smokes when he has had a drink that will now also stop, cutting out caffeine (even though we rarely drink coffee), we already eat clean throughout the week we just go a bit over the top at weekends with shit good so that will dramatically change too and OH is going to get back into the gym. Am thinking of joining too?!

I’m not sure how long we are going to be waiting on the list for IVF, we will know more once we have our next appointment with the IVF specialist nurse but our main aim is to try and get he’s morphology up so we have a chance of falling naturally and just to get us super fit and healthy for when we do start IVF.

This all still feels like a blur atm so I’m not sure how I am feeling but I suppose I am going to go through every emotion in the next however months. I just never thought I would be in this situation, but life gives you lemons right?

Any advice for me on this journey would be really appreciated xx
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You are strong Char and I know that both of you will get through this. I know it sucks to put a face and pretend that everything will be alright when you feel the opposite, but I know you will get your little rainbow sooner or later because there is nobody else who deserves it more than you <3 My best friend went through IVF and the doctors told her that she would never get pregnant because her body couldn't release strong enough eggs, now after being stubborn and going through with IVF she is holding her little baby <3 miracle exists, they are not often but they do happen. Wishing you all the best<3<3<3
We are all here for you Char.

You guys can do this, I've got a good feeling about this.

Hope wait isn't too long <3<3<3
Oh Char I wondered how you got on xx

I’m sorry it wasn’t a great outcome for your husbands results, really hope the changes in his diet will help.

There are lots of ladies here that have been through it though if you ever need anyone to chat with about anything ivf.

Hopefully the waiting list isn’t too long xx
Sorry to hear this Char but your plan sounds really positive and it must (at least) be good to know you’re on the list and making progress towards your long deserved bfp!

A uni friend of mine just announced her pregnancy after IVF. Her husband also had sperm issues (though his was count) so there’s definitely hope!
Thank you so much ladies, i can always count on you to be there to support me <3 :hug: xx
Hey beautiful, I’m so sorry that the outcome wasn’t what You were hoping for but I’m happy that you now have a plan.

A little bit of hope, my sister had ivf and they now have a beautiful daughter, he had morphology issues and she had pcos.

If you need anyone to chat to, I’m always here xx
Aw i’m so sorry char but it sounds like your dealing with it in a very productive and positive way. Getting healthy and cutting down on things can only be good. I feel for you both. Good luck on your ivf journey, hoping you get through it quick. Can’t wait to see your bfp and I know you will get it. Xx
Char you beautiful soul. I'm sorry the results weren't as you were hoping, but this sounds super positive. I have a feeling if you can improve the morphology, this is going to happen for you naturally. And at least you know that even if that doesn't happen, you're on your way. You're so positive and I really look upto you and your attitude inspires me. Remember, always here if you want a rant or cry or anything else for that matter <3
Sorry Char, I can only imagine what you and your OH must be feeling. If he had a morphology of 1% previously surely some lifestyle changes can help get it get back up? I know there’s been some success stories on here about diet/vitamins helping. Hopefully that will help, at least you know if it does than you have lovely clear tubes.

I think you said before you’re entitled to 3 free nhs ivf rounds, at least if nothing else that will give you a fighting chance - if you even need to get to that stage.
Char you beautiful soul. I'm sorry the results weren't as you were hoping, but this sounds super positive. I have a feeling if you can improve the morphology, this is going to happen for you naturally. And at least you know that even if that doesn't happen, you're on your way. You're so positive and I really look upto you and your attitude inspires me. Remember, always here if you want a rant or cry or anything else for that matter <3
Oh Natalie - thank you so much for your message. You made me cry lol. I am just a bundle of emotions right now.
We are in this journey together hun, i hope you get your little miracle very soon too <3 xx
What did i do to deserve you supporting ladies.
I don' think i could have got through this journey without you all.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your love and support. xxx
Oh Natalie - thank you so much for your message. You made me cry lol. I am just a bundle of emotions right now.
We are in this journey together hun, i hope you get your little miracle very soon too <3 xx
We certainly are my love! It's such a hard journey. But we are all here to support each other along the way. I cant imagine how emotional you must be, but my advice is just let it all out. Be sad, cry, shout and scream if that's what you feel! My counsellor gave me some really good advice, it's ok for you to feel all of those things and it's certainly ok to say how you feel out loud. Lots of love xx
Oh Char, devastated to read this :(

Sorry you didn't get better news. I hope the search for an IVF clinic goes well. It's such a crap place to be and to go through, but you have all the love and support behind you to get you through this journey xx
So sorry Char I never read this before asking you how you were. Your head must be full of all different emotions but love your determination and focus. You are such a strong person and an amazing person who deserves this. I hope you do manage to increase his morphology before the ivf route. Sending you the biggest hugs :hugs: xxx
So sorry Char I never read this before asking you how you were. Your head must be full of all different emotions but love your determination and focus. You are such a strong person and an amazing person who deserves this. I hope you do manage to increase his morphology before the ivf route. Sending you the biggest hugs :hugs: xxx
Thank you so much, your kind words mean so much <3 xx
Hiya char, been following your journey and just want to say good luck. Here’s hoping you don’t have to wait too long. X
Have they given u a rough wait time?
Im sure youl do best research you can but there is that page crimson publishers. Search sperm and stuff will come up, i used this & generalised google for help.
I think ur best to get some supplements and stick with them/see thru & dont go too much on the mgs, be cautious.
I know vit c is good but no more then 1000 so we did a 500 chewy tablet
Coq10 is good as well. Hubby on that for 2nd baby, 200mg.
I think anti oxident stuff best route??
Good Luck
Oh Char I’m so sorry it’s come to this, you’re a very strong woman from the looks of things and I’m sure your OH is just as strong, good luck with everything I’m 100% rooting for you!! :hug: Xx
@chattychar1990 sorry it’s come to this!! You are doing everything right going forward both of you seem to have your head in the game! Utterly crap can’t even imagine what it must feel like but I hope if this happens to me I’m as strong and positive you are! <3

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