On the Road to My IVF Journey

I'm sorry it wasn't better news Char. I think it's wise to start with lifestyle changes for both of you as that will be positive for both natural conception and IVF. Will also give you something to focus on while you wait. In my experience you may find the wait from referral isn't that long but of course that varies hugely depending on where in the country you are.

I remember how devastated I was when we were told IVF was our only option also due to male issues. My husband of course tried to do the manly thing but inside it was just as devastating for him too. I'm sure you know this but make sure you look after him as if he's anything like my husband he just won't let on how much he's hurting.

Having said all that, don't count yourself out completely. Miracles do happen even if the odds are stacked against you. Keeping my fingers crossed it happens naturally for you while you're waiting.
Oh Char, just know that you and your OH will get through this! It sounds like you're making all the right changes to give yourself the best possible chance. You really should be so proud of yourself for still being so positive and not just letting your emotions get the best of you. <3
You're going to be one strong mama one day and you and your OH will appreciate your little miracle so much more.
In the meantime just stay as positive as you are, you're such an inspiration to all of us ladies on here. :hug:
So sorry to hear about his results but your making fab plans they sound real positive. I hope you get your bfp real soon you deserve it xxx
Oh @chattychar1990 ive been wondering how you got on. So sorry to read this and it wasn’t the news you wanted to hear but at least you’ve good some definitive answers now and you’ve got a plan in place with something to look forward to with ivf. Hopefully in the meantime you get your miracle baby!! My friend had been trying for years and got pregnant amazingly on her first round of IVF, the egg split and she got twins! The world works in mysterious ways. I certainly don’t understand it but what I do know is that you’ll get through this and you’ll get your little baby and this will all be a distant memory once you hold them in your arms.

You have been here to support so many of us over this last year or so through our highs and lows. I cant imagine how it must feel for you right now but just be reassured that we will always be here for you (as you have been for us). Ask questions, shout, cry, rant, smile or do them all at once.. we will still be here. You’re such a positive polly rather than a negative nelly and I love how you’re coming out fighting already. The lifestyle changes have got to help for both your natural and ivf journeys... it definitely won’t hurt! I’ve got everything crossed for you and I can’t wait to see your BFP! Xx
Oh char, I'm so sorry to read that the results of your oh were less than desirable...
At least you're taking the bull by the horns and cleaning your lives up!
Get your rear into gear and get that gym membership too gorgeous! It's one of the best antidepressants too!
Hope you don't have to wait too long for an appointment with an IVF clinic!
And who knows maybe you will never need that appointment anyways!:hug:
Ladies you are absolutely incredible <3
I honestly can’t thank you enough for all of your support. I would be lying if I said I sat here and didnt cry when reading all your messages.

Once I am out of this TTC/IVF journey, I would love to organise a meet up in London for us all and our babies. I would love to meet you all and thank you in person for your support always xxx
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Hi Char, I haven't been on the forum much recently but I have been popping back occasionally to keep updated on you and a few of the other ladies. I'm really glad that things are moving forward for you even if it's not how you hoped. I feel for you and your partner, I'm keeping you in my thoughts. You are such a wonderful support to everyone on here and you really deserve your Bfp soon. Do you know what the wait time is for IVF? I'll keep following and be keeping fingers crossed for you.
So sorry to read about your results Char, I was hoping for good news from you! Sounds like you’ve got your positive head on and you’re doing absolutely everything right in the lead up. It would be wonderful if it gave you a natural BFP but even if it doesn’t, it’s getting you off on the best foot possible for treatment. Everyone is here for you and any IVF questions we can answer, please just shout!

When we had IVF I was the issue but my best friend tried for a year then went for testing. Over two separate SA tests it came back with awful results, second worse than the first. Her husbands results showed an okay count but less than 0% morphology, the consultant said they were ‘spear headed’ and incapable of penetrating an egg. Not only that, but they were swimming in the opposite direction. he said natural conception was impossible for them! She thought nothing would work, no treatment would ever help but they now have their beautiful little girl through ICSI. She also had a very low AMH too so felt the odds were stacked against them. You have every reason to be positive and believe it’ll happen for you! I’ll be keeping up with your journey xxx
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Sorry the results weren’t what you hoped char but you are absolutely going to get your baby, you do so amazing well at staying positive and that will see you through the journey you are about to embark on, I hope the waiting times aren’t too long I can’t wait to see the day you post your bfp, message me anytime if you ever need to talk xxxx
@Abi88 - thank you hun. I hope you and your bubba are well? <3

@MrsS15 - thank you for your message. It means a lot. I am sure there will be loads of questions so I may give you a message soon. What a lovely story of your friend, this has gave me so much hope <3

@night owl - thank you so much for your kind words as always. I get so emotional when you all comment <3 xx
So yesterday I started my new ‘healthy’ life. Me and the OH went jogging yesterday evening, I didn’t realise how unfit I was. I was absolutely shattered afterwards.
This morning i started some yoga poses, to help with circulation to the uterus. I will be doing these daily going forward.

Diet now consists of fish or chicken no other meat. Lots of veg and either whole grain pasta, rice or quinoa. I will be snacking on fruit too.

My vitamins now are: prenatal vitamin with folate, ubiquinol, vitamin e, vitamin d, vitamin c.

I literally feel like a different person now, I am more determined than ever to be in the best health I can be!
So yesterday I started my new ‘healthy’ life. Me and the OH went jogging yesterday evening, I didn’t realise how unfit I was. I was absolutely shattered afterwards.
This morning i started some yoga poses, to help with circulation to the uterus. I will be doing these daily going forward.

Diet now consists of fish or chicken no other meat. Lots of veg and either whole grain pasta, rice or quinoa. I will be snacking on fruit too.

My vitamins now are: prenatal vitamin with folate, ubiquinol, vitamin e, vitamin d, vitamin c.

I literally feel like a different person now, I am more determined than ever to be in the best health I can be!
You are amazing! I love that we have all been sharing tips with each other. I love yoga! I do it at home, from the YouTube channel 'Yoga with Adriene' she is fab and I find that I cant wait to do my yoga every day! I never even thought about it affecting blood flow to the uterus but now i think about it, of course all of the breathing, stretching and core work should help! X
You are amazing! I love that we have all been sharing tips with each other. I love yoga! I do it at home, from the YouTube channel 'Yoga with Adriene' she is fab and I find that I cant wait to do my yoga every day! I never even thought about it affecting blood flow to the uterus but now i think about it, of course all of the breathing, stretching and core work should help! X
@Natalie8964 - you ALWAYS make me smile. How did I get so lucky to find such a supportive forum friend <3
I will check out that lady on you tube I found someone on YouTube that does fertility yoga and she did a video on increasing the blood to the uterus. I think her name is Bettina Rae. Have a little look. We can exchange yoga tips haha. Xx
@Natalie8964 - you ALWAYS make me smile. How did I get so lucky to find such a supportive forum friend <3
I will check out that lady on you tube I found someone on YouTube that does fertility yoga and she did a video on increasing the blood to the uterus. I think her name is Bettina Rae. Have a little look. We can exchange yoga tips haha. Xx
Oh that's good to know, I'll have to check that one out! I'm definitely still an amateur but I have definitely noticed being able to do some of the poses more easily already! I feel the same, I'm so shocked we are both still here ttc but we've got each other for this journey! I cant wait for us both to get our babies xx
Hi Char,

I’ve been wondering how you have been getting on for some time. I’m sorry that you didn’t get the results you wanted but I’m glad to see the road to ivf has started! You sound mentally very well and the choices you are making lifestyle wise sound amazing! I just can’t believe how strong you are! I honestly wish you so much luck as you deserve your little miracle so much, the support you offer us ladies is so thoughtful especially whilst going through your own journey.

Aww Char, I hate that you are having a horrible and long ttc journey, you deserve your BFP sooooo much. Glad that things are progressing though and hope that IVF wait isn’t long, my best friend is about to start her 3rd round of IVF, so if you want to know anything, I can ask her for you.

I really hope that all the lifestyle changes you and OH are making result in a positive outcome and you manage to get a natural BFP before IVF treatment, that would be amazing!

Stay strong and positive, you are an amazing lady!!! :hug: <3 x
@Aprilxxx & @EmmaN27 - you both made me cry. Thank you so much for the continued support. It really does mean absolutely everything to me. I don't think i could have got through this journey with all you lovely ladies that i have met on here <3 xxx
Best of luck char with ur IVF journey really hope uz get ur bfp soon.
Sounds like uz have made some positive changes xo

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