Oooh my... Scan day is here! *UPDATED*


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2011
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At 8.30am we will be seeing our little wriggler!! So exciting :D

*IF* DH hadn't dropped the bomb that he wants to find out the sex!! I thought we were both team yellow and strong but he said he's had a change of heart and now I don't know whether to find out! Everyone was so proud of us for being patient but I can see the appeal of finding out now :)

Anyone change from team yellow and regretted it?

Guess I'll update with the decision later!! :-S



So our little baby is very healthy and very interested in its own hand! Lol! Was amazing :) Our sonographer was sooo nice too! I was worried as we had such a nice guy at the 12 week scan I was preparing myself for someone not so nice and I'd read it hurts/is a bit uncomfortable - but it was very pleasant!! Except for the fact I mistakenly assumed I needed a full bladder for this scan like the last one xD both ladies had a giggle and after trying to do a few measurements sent me off to the loo (was MUCH more comfortable after that!)

We are team........ Yellow :) I had decided right at the last minute to find out the sex, but then she didn't offer!! In my head I figured she didn't offer because she maybe wasn't sure, so rather than get a possible educated guess we've left it as a suprise :)
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Oooh good luck! I always thought I would be team yellow until my brother and his wife got pregnant... I quickly realized 9 months would be way too long to wait to find out lol. I don't regret finding out though. We have bought her so many cut outfit and have been able to personalize her room just for her :) whatever you decide, you will love seeing your little one! The 20 week scan is amazing!
Good luck for the scan! Don't forget to post piccies!

I was gonna be team yellow, then like urs, my DH said he wanted to know. I'm glad I did now - I love being able to call my baby my son without referring to him as "it"!! he has got loads of clothes now :oops: and I think itgenerally makes it easier to prepare.

Only u can make the decision - there are pros to finding out and not xx
Good luck Carly! Its not made any difference to me knowing but i think it helps the OH bond-as mines been getting more and more excited! :)
Good luck Hun, I keep changing my mind, but I think I will stay team yellow. Do whatever is right for you! X x
Good luck Hun. I stayed team yellow because I had no preference and I kinda like the not knowing. And then when baby arrives I can phone people and say its a boy or it's a girl without them saying we know already lol. You would still get the surprise tho of putting a face to the bump if that makes sense! Either way it'll be just as special!xx
Good luck ! We found out the sex as we were too impatient to glad we did though the bond has got alot stronger between me and our little man and my DH hasn't stopped smiling since we found out !!!! plus I love calling him 'him' and not it or the baby now makes him seem much more real to us ! in the end it's a personal choice and I know we made the right one for us.
Thank you everyone! Updated the first post :) xxx
Yayy, well done with staying yellow, =D
Lovely scan photo. x
Yay! Congrats on such a lovely piccie. We are staying team yellow too so you won't be alone!! xxx

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