pregnant or not pregnant??


Active Member
Oct 9, 2010
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Hey ladies would just like some advice from you...I have been on the pill for about 5years but i stopped taking it just over 2 and a half months ago ive always had regular periods and always been on time. I have been having unprotected sex with my bf for the last 6weeks (last time was 12days ago) i did have my last period which was 4weeks ago but it was 5days late and only lasted 2days now my next period was due on thursday 22nd which hasnt come yet but i have just had little spotting where its just on the tissue but nothing else...i have been feeling sick, urinating more than normal had hedaches and been feeling tired the last 2weeks. what im not sure is wether because i stopped my pill maybe my periods are abit messed up?? or the fact i maybe im still spotting a little (day 4) shall i wait until this stops to do a test??
any advice would be helpfull
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I agree with Lou Lou, do a test and see what happens.
Do A Test Honey... And Post It, We Love Looking At Lines! :D x
How exciting......ill be on tomorow to see your result...
UPDATE: ok ladies so i did a clearblue digital test this morning (first pee) and i got a NOT PREGNANT, so now im a little confussed as i still haven't come on yet (4days late) but still got the same symptoms ei: tired, weeing more, headaches and feeling sick. do i wait a few days and test again or just go by that test that im not pregnant??
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Just be patient hon, maybe test again in a few days. It could just be that the pregnancy hormone level are yet high enough to be detected yet!!!

Good luck honey! xx
right so i woke up this morning and there it period (5days late) yes i was gutted but so far it hasnt reali been as normal as keeps stopping and starting again going from next to nothing to a little bit more then nothing again..hmmm confussed :S i guess another test maybe in order when this stops xxx
Sometimes our bodies like to cause chaos for us dont they!!!! Good luck next month hun xxx
hi there, im new to the forum but i was on the injection for 5 years and it did take a while for my periods to get back in order again. Sometimes i would be 6 weeks late, other times i was early. i know everyones different and hope you get your positive result soon, it took me a year to get mine but was well worth the wait even though it didnt feel like it at the time. Good luck hun.
hi hunn i would do a test just to be sure if i was friend had this in her first trimester quite a few times on and off it is unusal granted but not totally imposible at least you will have a definative answer its sooo anoying the tricks our bodies play on us let us know how you get on..and good luck hun ime rooting for you and a BFP...XX
hi hunn i would do a test just to be sure if i was friend had this in her first trimester quite a few times on and off it is unusal granted but not totally imposible at least you will have a definative answer its sooo anoying the tricks our bodies play on us let us know how you get on..and good luck hun ime rooting for you and a BFP...XX

yeh i know thats what confussed me because what little ammount i have had isnt even worth me using a tampon and is quite redish/pink and a little watery and only lasted 3days so im deffinatley gonna do another test on the weekend...thanks for your advice though and il keep you updated :) xxx
hi there, im new to the forum but i was on the injection for 5 years and it did take a while for my periods to get back in order again. Sometimes i would be 6 weeks late, other times i was early. i know everyones different and hope you get your positive result soon, it took me a year to get mine but was well worth the wait even though it didnt feel like it at the time. Good luck hun.

hey thanks for the advice yeh thats what im not sure of it could be that i havnt long been off the pill its been about 2 and a half months now...were your periods normal when they did come? x
UPDATE: hey i did a boots own pregnancy test this morning (first wee) and i had another bfn....i was abit gutted as im sure hormones would have been detected by now (17days) so i guess better luck next month.
thankyou all for your advice :) xx
hi there, im new to the forum but i was on the injection for 5 years and it did take a while for my periods to get back in order again. Sometimes i would be 6 weeks late, other times i was early. i know everyones different and hope you get your positive result soon, it took me a year to get mine but was well worth the wait even though it didnt feel like it at the time. Good luck hun.

hey thanks for the advice yeh thats what im not sure of it could be that i havnt long been off the pill its been about 2 and a half months now...were your periods normal when they did come? x

Hi yeah they did sort themselves out so to speak and it wasnt long after being regular again that i fell pregnant, only about 2 months so hopefully once yours are regular again it shouldnt take long. there were a few times i was dissapointed too cos i thought i was pregnant but it was just irregular. i think the longer you are on contraception, the longer it can take, obviously everyone is different
hey ladies another update here for you all...if i worked everything out properly i did the deed just befor ovulation and during now symptoms are swollen tummy n kinda tender, nipples are sore/itchy and noticed theyr looking abit dry if that makes sense with little bumps around them, really bad nausea, headaches i dont know if this has anything to do with pregnancy but for some reason my hair has got really greasy the past week even not long after washing it and been getting a horrible taste in my mouth kinda like the irony taste in blood..not really sure if that means anything.....i just dont know if its tooo soon to be feeling like this as i havnt completely missed a period yet (next one is due next week) my last one was only 2days long and was extremly light for me....maybe its just wishfull thinking as only been off the pill 3months so well see, im debating with myself wether to just do a test or wait to see if i get my period..hmmm...what do you think???

ohh i forgot to mention that 5days after i ovulated i noticed a tiny little bit of pink on tissue when i would wipe this lasted a day with slight cramps and then dissapeared.
i sooo hope it is this time :) xx
All sounds very positive hun! I'd wait til your period is due or the day after til you test though. :) x
they all look like positive signs hun :) when is your next af due??

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