Princess Peanut's Labour Story


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2011
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My Birth Story of Isabel Jane Dixon

On Monday 5th September around 6pm I felt as if my waters had gone. Not being sure, I rang the Pregnancy Assessment Unit at Hospital and explained what had happened. Deciding later that it was probably nothing, I carried on as usual. My thoughts were if my waters had actually broke, I had my 36 week check on the Wednesday morning and would see what my Midwife said.
Wednesday came and I felt absolutely fine. I walked to the Doctors for my appointment (about 3/4 ish miles) and had the usual checks from my Midwife who, on explaining the events of Monday, sent me to the hospital just to be checked out. I arrived at hospital around 11am. Bump was put on monitor and all seemed healthy and well. On the Doctor’s arrival and examination, she confirmed my waters had gone and that I was to remain in hospital to be induced that evening. I was given an injection to mature the baby’s lungs (which is really painful may I add!) and sent to the maternity ward whilst I rang round and explained to Dane what to pack in my hospital bag and what to pack in baby hospital bag (I thought I had plenty of time having 4 weeks to due date and hadn’t packed anything).
Wednesday evening around 9.30pm I was taken to the Delivery suite where I would be induced and placed back on the monitor to keep check on baby. Around 11pm when the midwife checked, before I was induced, she found I was already 2-3cm’s dilated! I was given some painkillers and gas/air to help with the cramps I started to experience.
Around 1pm I had gone to 6cm dilated and starting to get uncomfortable. I asked if I could have something a bit stronger to take the pain away and the midwife explained that it would be best to hold on a little longer if I could so when I needed it, the painkillers would be more effective. Not long after she left, I was starting to realise that I couldn’t wait and sent Dane off to ask for something stronger. The Midwife came back and when she checked I was 10cm’s dilated and starting to feel like I needed the loo!! During each contraction the baby’s heartbeat started to drop and all at once a bustle of midwives and a doctor came in and started turning me from side to side with each contraction to try and get baby’s heartbeat back. Within minutes the doctor began explaining I may need to be rushed for an emergency section just as I started to push. They then realised the baby was lying in the wrong position and needed to assist the delivery. As the doctor left to get forceps, I pushed twice and out came my baby girl – Isabel Jane Dixon, born at 1.21am and weighing 5 pound and 11 ounces - a bright healthy bundle of joy. She was placed on my chest and Dane cut her cord.
Later during the early hours we were taken to the maternity ward and Isabel sent to the special care baby unit every 12 hours, where she was given a dose of antibiotics for 48 hours to make sure she didn’t have an infection due to my waters breaking 2 days before hand.
We left hospital on Saturday afternoon and arrived home safe and sound.
Ahh beautiful. Well Done and Congratulations on your little one :) x
Well done! Quite scary they can come so quick and catch you off guard! Congrats again x
ahh well done! You did ever so well xx
Well done Hun xx congrats on your wee girlie :) :love: xxx
YAY - huge congratulations. What a lovely story!! I did that with my first son - the doc went away to get forceps and I pushed him out while he was away!
Congrats hun. Sounds like an ideal labour.

Can't believe Isabel (beautiful name btw) is here already
Lovely story hun! Hope you and LO are doing well! I've been trying to get much more prepared since you had her becoz it was 4 weeks early! They really can catch you off guard I guess!.....You managed so well with minimal pain relief! Congrats again xxx

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