

New Member
Feb 5, 2009
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Hi all

I am on here again after losing my second baby back in November i am now pregnant again about 5 weeks, however i cant feel happy because i am petrified its going to happen again, i want to go to the loo every five minute just to check that i am not bleeding every little cramp or backache sends me into a stress and my partner is so worried i am going to make myself ill i dont know what to do to relax i dont know who i am going to make it too 12 weeks, the doctors wont do much as they say its not procedure under suffolk nhs to do much unless you miscarry more than 4 times in a row

please someone de - stress me

I'm 11+5 weeks and am STILL checking every time I go to the loo!!!

It does get easier though - I found that for the first few weeks I really lived one day at a time, praying to make it to the next day. But, gradually it's moved to just looking forward to a saturday when I get to move up to the next week.

You're definitely not the only one hun :hug:

I'll tell you what everyone told me - it's a new sperm and a new egg, and has just as much chance as anyone elses to be healthy.
^^^ Like she said

I still worry if I get particularly heavy discharge and am out somewhere. I go into a fluster and convince myself I'm bleeding. It's only natural. You know what can go wrong and how awful it is.

My advice would be to try and distract yourself - get out of the house, do something different, go see a friend who knows nothing about your pregnancy. Anything to keep your mind off your baby and your worries and to keep you off the internet researching statistics and panicking yourself. The first few weeks are awful but I am finding now that I am starting to relax a little. I even went into this preg with such a positive attitude and it slipped almost straight away :lol:

Good luck hon. Fingers firmly crossed for you
hey :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

i feel the same too i also lost a baby in november and am extremely anxious and nervous about this one. its horrible worrying! i went to the docs last week to ask for a reassurance scan but they wont refer me to EPU unless there are mc signs (which of course i'm not gonna lie about!)

its agonising waiting for the 12-week scan! i'm sorry i cant help u feel any better but if it does help but i do understand how u feel ur not alone x x x x
Hi All
Thanks for theh replies i went to the hoital today after having a bleed after intercourse at the weekend and started to get back ache of course i went into mad panic stations they told me at the hospital that on the scan i only look 5 weeks should be 7 weeks according to when i had my last pweriod so now i am really confused has anyone else had that ?? they havesaid that i have to go back in 2 weeks to see if there is a heart beat i feel that is going to be the longest 2 weeks of my life and i am petrified i am going to hear those dreaded words for the third time

help xx
:hug: You may have ov'd later than you thought and that is why the baby is showing up smaller on the scans. And it can catch up in that time. Try not to worry. As long as your not getting bleeding and cramping, hopefully things will be ok. :hug:
Thanks for the info there, i am going to see my mw this afternoon so hopefully she can give me a little more reassurance i am trying to stay calm


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