seeking advices on starting my first IVF journey...


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2019
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Hi, I am looking forward to start my first round of ivf soon, hopefully in september-october (it really depends on how many people are in front of me because of covid) and I am a bit worried on how heavy the hormons will be on my body. It was suggested to me do to the ICSI but i guess we will see once they give us the first appointment at the clinic, for now i am just waiting. I am a mxiture of scared, thrilled and reluctant all at once! While I am looking forward to finally getting closer to get a child, part of me still think that this is all a dream and none of this is real... it's so surreal.
Have any of you done icsi? were the medicines very heavy on your body??
Good luck with ICSI -hopefully you won’t have too long to wait before you can start.

I wouldn’t worry about the drug side effects, everyone reacts differently to them. When you down regulate, just drink loads of water. It can help with the headaches, assuming you get any, some women don’t have any problems with it. I then had the lowest dosage of stimming possible using menopur (150iu). I didn’t get any side effects with it either, though it might be different for you if you get put on a higher dosage.

To be honest, if it works, you won’t care how bad any side effects were because it would have been worth it. I’m sure you’ll be fine.
Thank you so much for your answer and tips! I have been notified that the waiting time for starting the process for us will be 7 months! At times I look at the waiting time and I think time will never pass but I know it will especially the summer time (that one always flies!) :D You are right, if it works it won't matter the pain. Thank you so much <3
It’s weird everything feels so slow at first. But once you’re seen by our clinic and paper work is signed, all you need to do is wait for your next period and then you can start :dance:

It won’t feel like it at first, but it goes super quick from there. It’s all over and done with within 6 weeks usually.

There’s always a chance it could happen for you naturally before then too. Happens to plenty of women.
I have no experience with ICSI, but the third protocol, that was combined with ICSI, worked for a lady I know.
It’s weird everything feels so slow at first. But once you’re seen by our clinic and paper work is signed, all you need to do is wait for your next period and then you can start :dance:

It won’t feel like it at first, but it goes super quick from there. It’s all over and done with within 6 weeks usually.

There’s always a chance it could happen for you naturally before then too. Happens to plenty of women.
I hope so, but unfortunately don't think it will happen naturally... but that it's alright :)
Just worried because my obgyn found a small cyst before the entire corona started, but she said she wouldn't worry because it was very small and probably formed because I was ovulating... But now I was reading online that if you have a cyst it could delay your ivf cycle... arghhhhh it's so hard not to worry :p
I have no experience with ICSI, but the third protocol, that was combined with ICSI, worked for a lady I know.

Wow that if fantastic to hear! I think I've read somewhere that ICSI has higher chances of success but I am honestly not sure about it's authenticity... :p
Wow that if fantastic to hear! I think I've read somewhere that ICSI has higher chances of success but I am honestly not sure about it's authenticity... :p
ICSI, like PGS NGS, is one of the procedures that might be recommended in certain cases to increase chances of getting pregnant.
Hi haven't updated in a while! After being on progynova for 20 days I have finally started daily injections of gonal f 125 from new years eve! From yesterday I must take also fyremadel to avoid premature ovulation!

I am not having any side effects from the injections yet and this worries me :-o anyway I will have my scan on Friday to see how are the follicles doing, if I have any and when or if to schedule the eggs extraction!
it's great to read your update, keep fingers crossed for a positive result
warm water bottle help the follicles develop! lots of water and good sleep

when you got for egg collection, don't drink as much water as they say - its can be v uncomfy, you only need a small amount of liquid on your bladder! Trust me lol

Good luck I hope this has a positve outcome for you both x

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