Sleepy Sam


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2007
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I had a very good night last night with Sam he was in his Moses Basket asleep by 9pm, he went over without a feed or cuddle he just listened to his lullaby music.

He didn't wake until 5.30 am for a feed then went back over til 7.30am then he was back asleep by 9am and he is still sleeping now :shock:

He has finally got in to a routine at night and is usually always asleep and in bed by 9.30pm at the latest he used to wake at one for a feed but seems to miss that one now and go through til 4 -5 am.

I hope he keeps this up :pray:

Although today he seems really sleepy once he wakes up i'm going to try to keep him awake.
Well done to Sam :D
Have you been enjoying having extra sleep time too Emma?
Well done Sam!

Chester has settled nicely into a night time routine as well.

He still wakes in the night, not everynight tho. He's slept through 3 nights this week!

Does Sam have a daytime routine? Our day is still all over the place, he doesnt have set naps or anything and i'm wondering whether I should try and start doing this??
xkikix said:
Well done Sam!

Chester has settled nicely into a night time routine as well.

He still wakes in the night, not everynight tho. He's slept through 3 nights this week!

Does Sam have a daytime routine? Our day is still all over the place, he doesnt have set naps or anything and i'm wondering whether I should try and start doing this??

Hi kiki

Calleigh has been sleeping throught the night too, but her daytime has no routine. I usually follow her lead on feeds which are usually every three hours and she has little naps whenever she gets tired.
I am gonna wait and see if she falls into a pattern herself i think. Ijust get on with things throughout the day. Then the bedtime routine starts at half 8.
We have no daytime routine either i do the same with regards to feeding when he wants although i have found he seems to fill up between 4pm and 8pm by constantly wanting a bottle.

I enjoyed the extra sleep last night but today i feel more tired than usual because of the extra sleep!

I have found i find it harder to sleep though now he is in more of a routine on a night. I find myself still wide awake at midnight and Sam is out for the count.
I hope it lasts for you! Ella has got into a routine where she'll goto sleep between 8 and 9ish, sleep till about 7:30/8:00 then go back til 10-10:30 :D What's even better, OH will feed Ella when she wakes earlier in the morning cause he's already up for work so I get lots of sleep :lol:

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