Taking toddler to my dentist appointment..

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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2013
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Morning mummies!

I've gotta go to the dentist for a scale and polish today and can't get anyone to look after Iris! She usually comes to all my appointments and is fine, but last time I had a scale and polish, she sobbed throughout as didn't like the noise. I was totally unprepared as it was our first time and had her sitting on my lap!

I'm thinking if I take the buggy and sit her in that with snacks (and maybe my phone if she's allowed it in there) it'll be ok. Have any of you tried this? X
Hiya, yes I've had to take my lo with me to the dentist. One time when he was about 18 months I had to get a filling and he was just in his buggy watching me. I'm not going to lie he screamed the place down so it was ten mins of hell but the dental nurse and dentist were trying to reassure him that mummy was ok. The dentist actually told me to bring him every time as its good for them to get used to that environment. So just maybe take her in the buggy and give her snacks to amuse her. Sure it'll be fine xx
I've taken my LO to all of my appts too, only once he's caused a fuss but the nurse kept chatting to him. I don't think they mind it, they encourage you to bring them with you to all your appointments so they get use to being there so it's not as daunting when they finally sit in the chair x
I had to take my Lg to a couple of appointments, I just kept her in buggy so she could see me with either a toy or snack, again the nurse kept smiling and distracting her x
She was sooooo good! Sat in her buggy with some crisps and my phone and didn't make a peep! Good old bribery lol xxxx
Aww that's great! Yep bribery all the way!
I know it was a long time ago, but I think your child is older now and you can help me with an advice. My 6 year old is terrified of the sound at the dentist and I don't know what to do. Nothing helps, not even the phone. What did you do in such situation? Thanks in advance!!
Maybe you can ask someone else to take him/her to the dentist?x
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