The nub theory? Anyone like to guess for me please?


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2010
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Hey all.

Hope all is well. I have recenlty been thinking loads about what sex my baby is going to be so i have been through my scan pics and found the best one to see if some of you can take a guess at what gender you think our baby may be using 'The Nub Theory.'
I have just had a little read about 'The Nub Theory' and how it works but still not too sure what i think.

This scan pic was about 11 weeks and classed as my 12 wk scan. Can anyone see what they need to see and have a guess please :).


Thanks ever so much..

Amy xx
I'm going to guess it's a boy... I still don't quite get the nub theory, even after researching it lol but that's my guess ^_^ Are you going to find out? xx
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Hey hun.
Thanks for the reply. I have only just started reading up on it about half hour ago lol. Yeah we are going to find out what where having. OH talked me into it lol xx
I think its a boy as the nub is slightly angled up and at 11 weeks can still rise more.saying that though i posted my nub shot on here and everybody said girl but im expecting a boy!!!
After having a very short read up on nub theory, in my expert opinion (not), I say boy.
i would say girl!!! but i am rubbish at guessing these!! will find out my own tomorrow, so will see whether the nub theory stands!! (my midwife had never heard of it!!) xxx
Cant really see the nub here as baby is supposed to be laying flat on its back, baby looks on its side here..
I hope you get the gender you want :)
Hey ladies thanks for all of the replies..

I see the majority of ppl have gone for boy lol. Im almost positive baby was on his/her back on the scan pic as im sure i recall the sonographer saying so lol.

Eeeee im really excited for finding out now lol xx
Thanks hun... I am sure thats what the sonographer said. I havent really looked into the nub theory myself but i am sumising that the bit we are looking at is the pointy bit between his/hers legs lol.

Thanks again for the replies peeps xx

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