Tiny Tabitha


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2011
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Birth announcement from yesterday:
Tabitha Lily was born today Thursday 19th June at 11.28am, weighing a healthy 5lb1 1/2 at nearly 6 weeks early! She is breathing independently with support from a cpap machine and is on antibiotics for the time being. She is getting nutrients from a drip until such times when I can collect enough colostrum to be tube-fed to her. I managed to squeeze some out today, which is more than I was able to do first time round, so I'm over the moon that my body seems to know what to do thus time :)

I'm sore but healthy, been up on my feet and wheeled round to nicu already tonight so should be walking ok in the morning. It ain't so bad second time round!

All started off very positively today, I was up and walking about after breakfast, I had my shower with no help required, and I managed to express over 4mls of colostrum! They had said I'd be lucky to get 0.1ml at this stage!!

We went along to visit Tabitha and she was still doing well, although they had needed to up her oxygen input a bit. I was feeling really positive. I went back to my room and had a wee post-lunch nap. The paediatrician came in at 2 o'clock to say that she had started to struggle a bit and needed to be put on a ventilator, and that one of her lungs had collapsed so the air around her lung had to be drained :(

I was too upset to go see her, but dh went along and he came back feeling quite positive so I should be ok going to see her in a wee while - I was worried it would be too difficult.

So I'm feeling a bit blue, but hopefully tomorrow will seem more positive again. I'll try to update as much as possible xx


  • IMG_20140620_172235.jpg
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Aww look at her on that photo!!

Glad your OH is feeling positive because it helps to be surrounded by positive vibes, especially when you've just given birth & have the hormonal changes to face, as well as the worries that come with having an early delivery.

Go you for expressing that much!

Looking forward to your updates & seeing Tabitha grow :) xx
Congratulations Hun she's gorgeous! I'm sure she will be home with you all soon before you know it xx
Awww she's gorgeous hun. Well done on the colostrum front, it's amazing what our bodies will do when they have to. I'm not surprised you felt a bit blue, you've had a lot to get you're head round already. Hopefully dh's positivity will spread to you tomorrow. Love and hugs xx
Congratulations hun! She's just gorgeous! I'm sure she'll be home before you know it.

How is little Tabitha doing now Leesey?

She is adorable by the way, a complete stunner

She's doing really well today, the air around her lung has drained away so she's able to breathe a bit better now.
She held my finger with her tiny hand today, and opened one wee eye to keek at me today!

I had a terrible night's sleep, but my day just got better and better :)

I love her so much, I just can't wait to be able to hold her properly xx


  • IMG_20140621_215817.jpg
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Ah she's a little beaut :) So pleased you're both doing well, she'll be home with you in no time xxx
Congrats, she is gorgeous and I am so pleased to hear she is improving. I am having section on Weds at 34 + 4 so quite nervous, bubs supposed to weigh around 4 lb 1. I went to look around SCBU yesterday which was really positive. I will keep an eye on your post, I hope you both continue to do well x
Glad to hear she is doing well hun, it must be such a difficult time BUT you are doing amazingly!

Today has been really good again, she's now controlling the input of the ventilator and is able to reduce the input from that so they're really pleased with her progress.

She's really facially expressive, and when she heard a noise earlier she raised her eyebrows up and I saw that she's got my forehead! Sounds like a weird thing to notice, but I have a really distinctive forehead lol.

I love how she grabs my finger or reaches when she knows I'm there, she's so amazing.

Here's today's photo, she was hiding her face though! Looking practically chubby today :) xx


  • IMG_20140622_201443.jpg
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Aww bless her, she does nothing but impress me. Love that she grips your finger, must be a wonderful feeling x
Aww love that photo where she is cuddled up to that glove.

Hope she is much improved today and you get your gorgeous wee girl home soon x
Great day today :) She's so content and easygoing with it all, definitely takes after her daddy and big sister, taking it all in her stride.

I also managed to express 60mls today, of which I am extremely proud :D I didn't manage to breastfeed with DD1 so this is a major achievement for me :) xx


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Lovely to hear Tabitha is doing so well & great that you can express!! I hope you can get her to latch eventually - just try try try again when it's possible :) xx

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