Ultrasound gender worry...


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
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I dont know why but today I seem to of convinced my self that the sonographer was wrong and my baby will be a boy on the 4D scan not a girl. He said "I dont see a penis *looked some more* I think its a girl" Now at the time I took it to mean we were having a girl as there was a sign outside saying they could never be sure. I have loads of girls clothes. I know Im going to be stressing for the next 2 weeks now. I wouldnt mind if she was a boy, its just Ive bonded with her as a girl and I have so many girly items. Ive heard a few people say recently they know someone who was told one gender and ended up having the other. Anyone know someone that this has happened to?
hehe im feeling the same way.. our sonographer said she cudnt see any thing so must be girl...

but i feel like its a boy still, im got a scan on wed so im asking them to check again.
They won't tell you the sex in Aberdeen because once when they got it wrong someone sued! (Can you imagine how unwanted that must make their child feel!). So it definately happens. Just keep the receipts and if it's a boy you'll be able to take things back :hug:
I knew someone who was told she was having a boy and baby was a girl when born.

I was told I was having a boy and I did have a boy but some people do get told wrong.
i think its very far and few in between that this actually happens. My sonograoher has been right on all occasions and my friends babies were all what they were told as well
a friend at work was told wrong twice,

with her first they said a girl and it was a boy and with her second they said boy and it was a girl...

when we asked, they did say it wasnt 100% accurate and couldnt guarantee it was right but when i go on thursday i'm gonna ask them to check..

we have bought mostly unisex clothes and stuff but some of the people at work have bought me clothes for a sex, they did say they had kept the receipts though.

we have only managed to pick 1 name too
millie was a right little madam at my 20-week scan, not only did she keep her legs tight shut but she wouldnt turn around so they could check her tummy and chest she was curled up in a tight ball- despite me drinking lots of sugary caffienated drinks to wake her up!
even so, they said they *think* shes a girl but they sounded so vaguely sure that i was doubtful.
we had to go back a week later to do the tummy checks, and she still was a bit shy but they thought *maybe* girl again.
but we wanted to kno so we could buy clothes, so when i found out innervision were offering free private 3d gender scans i booked one at 33 weeks- and i could see VERY clearly in 3d on the screen she was proudly displaying her lady bits!
so even tho they were very vague, the nhs sonographers WERE right all along. x
Actually only last week my friend had a girl after being told it was a boy. It was only a normal hospital scan though and luckily she had only bought unisex clothes anyway :D I'm sure that 4D scans are more accurate arn't they? Also I know alot more people who have been told the sex of their baby and it's been right than I do people who have been told and it's been wrong.
I think if you are told it's a little girl you should be on the safe side.. .

I was told at 15 weeks I was having a boy... at my 20 week scan this was confirmed but I had a further scan at 23 weeks where they said... Oh no its a girl... Every scan I've had ever since I've been confirmed its a little girl although my medical notes still say I'm having a little boy :rotfl:

Apparently the womans hormones can make a baby girl appear to have a penis and testicles because her hormones make the baby girl's labia swell.

Needless to say we went out and brought baby boy clothes, and painted the nursery blue and ooops... we've had to now go and get everything in pink now and accessories.

It's quite funny really.... Originally I really wanted a little girl.. not a boy and was slightly disappointed when I was told I was having a little boy, but I started seeing the good points of having a boy... so when I was told it was a little girl, well I felt very confused. Now I'm not really bothered so long as the baby comes out in the next few days ;)

At the end of the day... its a baby none the less and if the sex turns out to be wrong, well you just get the opportunity to go shopping for baby clothes again :)
Usually they don't get boys gender wrong, I mean theres plenty to see :lol:
i know someone who was told they were having a boy... the cord was between the legs and the labia was swollen so looked like balls...lo and behold..twas a girl. :shock:
Thats why i'm staying team green... been given loads of boys clothes and if its a girl, i'll be putting a red washing machine dye in and producing some lilac clothes! :lol:
mistakes do occur but they use other things to tell the sex-
the heartbeat for one! so it should be quite rare! you'd hope! lol
This has definately crossed my mind. I am pretty sure Dan is a Danny and not a Danni, lol. Scan man seemed pretty sure.

There is a little part of me that does know that mistakes can happen, so even though I am told he's a boy, I'm keeping a bit of an open mind that he could turn out to be a girl :lol:

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