Views on drinking alcohol


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2011
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Just wondered, what are your views on drinking alcohol?
Some say you should stop completely, others say you can have a bit.
What are you all doing?
im not having any....but i wasnt a big drinker anyway so not missing it..

I waited until my 20 week scan and I've had a glass of wine since. Ive been having sips of OHs throughout tho. We had some probs early on which is why I've been so cautious tho.

I'm not having any for tri 1, will see how I feel in tri 2 (assuming everything is healthy and I actually get to tri 2) and maybe have a glass of wine here or there. To me, tri 1 is when your baby's systems are all developing so it just feels right not to take any unnecessary risks.

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At the moment, im staying I will have nothing until after 12 week scan, and then the odd pint at birthdays/xmas to celebrate.
My mum drank on and off while carrying me and ive turned out allright!
I'm saying off it in tri 1 but I think I will have the odd glass of wine here and there when later on, I did with my others on my birthday, mothers day etc, I can't see how one small drink can harm in later wk xxx
i will probably have a glass of champers at my wedding :) but will be 25 weeks then...xx
I'm not having any but then I didn't drink before ( last one new years eve, and that was only to toast) I don't miss it at all x
i would rather not drink, i stopped smoking after 10 years with no help so i can manage 9 months without a tipple. Whats point in 1 drink anyways lol would only make me wnt more
none for me, then again ive only actually drank once since halloween last year so its not like i'll miss it lol
I've had the odd glass of wine throughout, very occasionally (we're talking every month and a half here!) but tbh my tastes have massively changed and it really doesn't appeal to me anymore. Before i got pregnant i used to be a 10 pint of guinness girl, now i couldn't manage a pint of shandy lol!
I wont drink at all through my pregnancy. The research done on the topic says that alcohol may be damaging for the baby, but they haven't done enough research to say how much is "safe" to drink or not. So I'm just going to stat away from it. I thought I would miss it a lot, but I don't:)
i do like a wee tipple but when i was pregnant with Mad I didnt have a single drop! but i dont enjoy one drink! i like loads so pointless for me! :lol: but i also think if u can enjoy just one it does no harm! xxx
Piglet wait till you have more kids there running riot and you finally get them all asleep in bed one glass of wine most deff hits the spot lol I most say tho 2 of my pregnancies it knocked me bad even the smell of any alcohol so I didn't touch it xxx
After having a mc i strongly dissagree with drinking. This baby is so precious to me i wouldnt even have sip. Everyone has there own opinions and choices to make though. Thats just my choice. xx
my cousin drank throughout her pregnancy and baby was born healthy. I had a a small cherry beer about a month ago. But i just haven't felt like drinking i would have 1 if i felt like it but i really think this baby don't want any! :)
I had a quarter of a glass of champagne topped up with lemonade to toast my freinds wedding and will probebly have a similar tiny amount here and there on special occasions however I think u have to be sensible and say not too much the odd glass here and there shoudnt hurt but don't overdo it x
im not touching alcohol until baby is here, neither did i with DD
gotta say, i am missing it, not guna lie haha! :wall:

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