Well GooooodNess this place sure is cozey....


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Feb 17, 2005
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Nice to find a place where i can be me and be accepted for it. Hi, nice to meet everyone. My name is Nicole, I'm 18, living in Kentucky and I am pregnant. This is not my first pregnancy, i was raped when i was almost fourteen and it resulted in a pregnancy. I have THE most beautiful little princess in the world and I wouldn't trade her for anything. Although it was a horrible experience I was blessed with a most precious gift and I wouldn't change what happened now that i have her. Her name is Highley Jolie McKinney and she just turned five on January 16th. She is extremely outspoken and outrageously dramatic, but the eyes will get you everytime! :wink: She is my life and i am now expecting a second jewel in August of 2005, the 11th to be exact, and I couldn't be happier. Yes, it wasn't planned and I definetely didn't need another one, but I know that everyone here can compare from experience that no matter how unplanned it was, you can't help but love it and want it more than ever once the pregnancy really kicks in!!
Anyhoom, I am 14 weeks along now and I am starting to feel all the fluttering in there and I am finally over my "sickness" stage. My only craving right now are these things called "Rollitos", i don't know if anyone has heard of them, they are Nacho Cheese Doritos rolled up so they look like little buritos. So yeah, i like to dip those in mashed potatoes. You should try it, it's marvelous!! I even have Highley eating them now. She loves them almost as much as I do! Isn't that a hoot? You'll probably hear me talk about her alot here. She is something else.
Well, I suppose i need to get off of here, i need my beauty sleep! We mommies-to-be must look our glowiest! :D
Hi nicole,
god what a strong woman you sound you should be realy proud of yourself! so are you in a happy relationship now?
are you going to find out the sex? decided on any names?
You are so strong,,, what an amazing woman. And all this happened to you whilst you was still a child. I have to take my hat off to you. Your little girl has the most beautiful name. Wishing you a happy, healthy pregnancy. Congrats...

and welcome to the site.
Yes, I admit it, I am strong. That is the one thing that God so graciously blessed me with from my mother, the ability to withstand all situations and make it out saying, "God, it's good to be alive!" Thank you for the compliment, but I should be the one tipping my hat off to all women who bare and give birth to children. Not only are you bringing the most beautiful gift God could give into the world, but you do it with such balance and persistance. You carry on through it all, and in the end the pain didn't matter. Now, nothing against the opposite sex, but there is NO WAY that a man could ever do that. Those wimpy things. They can't even come home without whining about something. Let them try and carry around that much weight, gain your own and carry that around too, feet swelling, "morning" sickness, back aches, stomach cramps, cravings, depression, mood swings, AND to top it all off, what they call "squeezing something the size of a watermelon through a hole the size of a lemon!!" They couldn't even handle PMS, let alone pregnancy & birth. That is why God blessed us with the ability to do it. He knew that only women would be strong enough to make it through and still keep going. He gave us the mental, physical, and emotional ability to do a most amazing thing and I think that is sooooo much better than some stupid car or amount of money in the world!! What do you think ladies?! Are you with me?! ..........
Ok, now that I have stepped down from my "soapbox" let me answer the other questions. Yes, I do want to find out the sex. They THINK it's a boy, of course too early to tell for sure, but they pointed out something that looked like the 'penis' and I was smitten! If I have a boy I want to name him Enoch Alijah and if it is a girl I have no idea. Lol. Highley's name had alot of thought put into it. I chose Highley because I wanted her to be always thought of Highley and know that God and I both put her at the top, at the highest point of our lives and prayers. Jolie...I am canadian so our family speaks french and Jolie means pretty, and oh, what a pretty little thing she is! So....Enoch is from the bible and Alijah is too, only spelled Elijah. The reason I am choosing to spell it "Alijah" is because I can't stand for people to mispronounce things, especially names, but unfortunately my butt lives in Kentucky...hickville USA. I am SOOOOO glad I was not raised here, I can make fun of their accents....LOL. I get the biggest kick out 'ya'll'. Anyhoom, so I figured, "hey, if I spell it Alijah, they won't mispronounce it here, because no one says Elijah, they say 'UHLIJAH"" Sad concept, but o-well, whatever blows your dress up i always so. Or, floats your boat...what not. Take your pick, to each his own. Lol.
Well, I'm out of here, my child wants popsicles and so does Mommy! Goodnight All!

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