What do you recommend for losing weight?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2012
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Just looking to get everyone's experience of losing weight? I'm hoping to lose 4 stone this year....

Just sensible calorie controlled eating without totally eliminating anything works for me. I have some chocolate every night after my dinner but I factor it in to my calorie count. Choosing lots of fruit and veg, lean meat and fish and wholegrains helps keep me full.
weigh your carbohydrates - pasta, rice, potatoes - and gradually reduce portion sizes (first time, pour out what you usually have, then weigh it, and reduce by 5-10grams a fortnight)

use smaller plates.

use wholemeal pasta/brown rice, smaller portion keeps you fuller for longer.

limit junk food in the house e.g. only buy one slab of chocolate a fortnight so you've only got enough for two squares after dinner each day, if you binge one night, means you go without until the next shop

have fruit around, cut fiddly fruit up after shopping so you've got a fruit salad in the fridge to help yourself when you get peckish, rather than thinking "can't be bothered cutting up an orange, will eat this packet of crisps instead"

carrot/cucumber sticks and hummous/other dip can be good if you want something crunchy for a snack
i found joining a group (i used to go to slimming world) was really helpfull, i never felt hungry because of their free foods and the whole group was full of people in the same boat who could give you encouragement and/or a kick up the bum. it changed my attitude towards eating rather then just being another ridiculous diet.

also exercise plays an important part, dont make the common mistake of thinking 'ive just exercised or im just about to exercise so i can eat what i want' it doesnt work like that you're just sabotaging your hard work.

good luck congrats on getting engaged.
Hi, I lost about 4.5 stone just using myfitnesspal. Its a website and free phone app and basically just involves a calorie controlled diet where you keep a diary of everything you eat. You have a calorie goal and can earn extra through exercise. It has a great forum support network as well. I think it teaches you about eating forever and getting in to sensible eating and exercise habits for life. Can't recommend it enough and its free! Good luck, it's so worth it xxxx
I found that taking up running really helped me to loose weight. I did it 3 or 4 times a week for half an hour or so. Slowly built myself up and it worked wonders! Cant wait to start again once baby is here! :)
I lost 4.5 stone a few years ago, count calories & watch fat/sugar/carb intake. Have 1200-1500 calories a day max & exercise 3-5 times a week, & by exercise I mean run, do a class, do spin - you need to sweat & hurt each time, walking the dog or half an hour on an exercise bike isn't enough unless you interval train!x
I think control on your diet and avoiding junk foods and do some work out will help you to lose weight fast.
You can lose weight with proper diet and exercise. Make time to do some exercises every day. I spend about an hour every day to do some running, jogging and cycling. There are many exercises that you can do every day. Cycling is a good exercise it can help you to tone your muscles and lose some weight. You will also need to count your calories and have a diet meal plan. Avoid eating unhealthy foods like soda, salty chips and other processed food.
I started weight watchers 2 weeks ago and have already lost half a stone. X
The best way to lose weight in a safe way is to do it slowly! Otherwise you will gain back and even more. Drink not less than 2 litres of clean water per day, avoid junk food/sugar drinks, count calories, eat 5 times per day with little portions, more vegies/fruits/meat. Be active. If you have no time/interest/ money for doing some complicated sports activity (attending gym, swmming pool, fitness etc) at least walk more, ride a bicycle. It will not give you immediate result, but for sure you will get a result!
Ive currently started 2nd aug a mixture of things!

Kinda following SW food wise but not counting syns so its mainly healthy eating with the odd treat, bit also taken up swimming. Im going 2-3 times a week as well as getting out walking with Noah as much as poss.
Pre swim i take jodie marshs 'semtex' and post swim her jdiet protein shake.
Im also taking the night tea detox called 'bootea'

Last week i lost 5lbs.
I weigh every sunday, im looking forward to seeing what ive lost this week.

I have 1st 8lbs left to lose, gave myself a target of 1st dec x
I want to lose 4 stone by Xmas, and I'm joining slimming world next week. I'm about 7 stone overweight so hopefully 4 stone in 5 months will be doable but I know I'll have to be strict! Also netball once per week, and swimming twice per week, plus whatever walking/climbing I do with the kids!
Drinking plenty of water, cut down junk food, do some regular exercises and follow proper diet.
Avoiding sugar will help.
Eat only healthy fats (nuts, olive oil, sesame oil, flaxseed oil, and so on..)
Eat plenty of salads and skinny meats. Don't eat too much potatoes.
Drink only water and tea.
You will lose weight for sure.
And exercise! :)
You don't have to torture yourself with heavy exercising. You can just walk. Movement is important!
"As drinking is an integral part of most meals, something must be said about today's drinking habits. Huge amounts of tea and coffee are consumed in the West and consumption is on the increase [as are many of the associated ills]. Coffee, tea and many soft drinks are stimulating drinks because of their caffeine content. But caffeine is a poison (the lethal dose is around 10 grams), and the "lift" it gives, lessening fatigue and brightening thoughts,is very temporary and far outweighed by its long-term side effects.
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I have used GC180XT for weight loss. It's a Garcinia supplement with 50% HCA in it's composition and I might say it was a good appetite suppressant but, no matter what supplement you're going to use you need EXERCISES
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