What do you recommend for losing weight?

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Eating clean.. no fad diets, eliminate unnatural sugars, processed foods, cook things from fresh, wheat and gluten free diet plenty fruit and veg, i use juice plus capsules to bridge a big gap in my diet from the fruit and veg we don't get time to eat, this also cleanses my body every day :) xx
Regular exercise, drinking plenty of water, follow proper diet, do not skip your food. Just try honey with lemon, it will help to lose some weight.
Here's what's always working from me. I'm not really on the big side but on times when I feel like I'm having a hard time moving, here's what I do:

1. Food intake from morning to night is like an inverted triangle. Big breakfast then I reduce intake at lunch and smaller portion for Dinner
2. Move more, I walk 15 to 20 minutes a day
3. Replace carbs with good food and reduce sweet intakes. When I say good food, I replace white rice with either boiled sweet potato or just steamed veggies pair with either fish, beef or pork.

Hope this helps.
Also refrain from drinking any unnatural juices like sodas, powdered juices and everything that has artificial sweeteners. They have like a lot of sugar in it. Opt for water if you can or natural juice from Fruits.
Try the fruit diet and regular exercise. I did this for 3 mos and lost 20 lbs. Monday to Friday, I only eat soup, fruits and yogurt. Weekend is cheat day. I eat whatever I want. Then I do regular exercise about 5x a week.
"As drinking is an integral part of most meals, something must be said about today's drinking habits. Huge amounts of tea and coffee are consumed in the West and consumption is on the increase [as are many of the associated ills]. Coffee, tea and many soft drinks are stimulating drinks because of their caffeine content. But caffeine is a poison (the lethal dose is around 10 grams), and the "lift" it gives, lessening fatigue and brightening thoughts,is very temporary and far outweighed by its long-term side effects.

Not all teas contain caffeine, in fact plenty of herbal teas don't such as detox or cleanse from pukka. Teatox teas tend to do and they also have another ingredient that works on the bowels. I think it's expensive marketed nonsense you can easily get from ordinary herbal teas available that aren't over priced.

Aside from that, I wouldn't recommend juices or other garbage like that as its often full of sugar and lack of fibre.
Stay clear of sweeteners as I believe this adds to craving sweet products. But like sugar you should try and avoid these two are hard to avoid so limit them and remember it's all about moderation and balance.

Taking time to eat and take about 20-25 to finish a smaller plate helps to stay nourished too. Don't do low fats as this too has more carbs and/or refined sugars and fat too keeps you nourished for longer. Too much protein is also pretty useless because the body can only metabolise so much at the time. So those three just have to be balanced out.

Fibre helps sugar levels from spiking and aids digestion.

Hope that helps x

I never had a weight problem but wanted to get myself into shape so I started exercising at home and watching my diet. I didn't put myself on a strict diet because I knew it would make it harder for me to stick to so I just started limiting myself. I stopped eating out as much, started eating smaller portions, and cut down on sweets. I also upped my water intake. It's been a bit slow but it's definitely been working and I feel its much healthier than crash dieting or worrying about losing a certain amount of weight in a certain amount of time. I signed up for Beachbody's online workout videos because I've bought a couple of their workout DVD's and loved them. So rather than continuing to buy the DVD's I just stream them from my laptop or TV and I get access to hundreds of programs.

Having a balanced diet
Lots of water
Enough amount of good sleep
Definitely Slimming World. If you're a late night snacker like me then it's perfect for you xx
I have heard that green tea should help you losing weight. What definitely helped me was to stop drinking anything that contains sugar.
Diet and running - perfect for loosing weight. Everyday you need to eat about 1500 cal and run about 30 minutes
There are creams for losing weight, I use them from time to time. My favourite one is Nivele. It helps you lose weight and lift your skin.
Body cleansing should be the foundation for any weight loss! It’s the only way! First, take a course of Dr.Parell, then, after the detox, you’ll see you’ve lost weight and started feeling better!
Have you tried Luxxe Slim? My friend gave me 30 capsules (1 bottle) and said try it for 15-30 days...so that's 1-2 caps a day.It's effective for her. She lost 5 lbs in 2 weeks. But not really sure about the others.
I do a lot of exercises when my little one sleeps in his Venicci pram :)
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