What do you think ladies?


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2011
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Okay i'm not due on my period until roughly the 3rd of July so a good twelve days at LEAST, so maybe i'm crazy for letting myself symptom spot, but i've been noticing for a few days that i've been feeling a bit off. I've been very tired and lethargic, feeling naseus on and off even to the point where i couldn't eat PIZZA :O haha i've also had a lot of acid reflux and heartburn inexplicably and my stomach has bloated right out so it looks like i've swallowed abloody football! No sore breasts though, also have had a strange stomach bit of constipation and a bit of the sudden need to go (sorry tmi!)
What do you think guys should I be hoping or just symptoms to do with AF..

IMO it's far too early for symptoms, sorry hun, hang in there xx
Sounds like you're a bit under the weather hon, there's a lot of it about

You wouldn't expect to have symptoms until a week before your period's due
Yeah I understand I think i'm just clutching at straws, but then my periods aren't entirely regular so there's a chance I ovulated earlier as I don't check with OPKs, also me and BF have been BDing everyday so I'm just hopeful this month, plus i've never had bloating like this before i look like i've swallowed a football! xx FX
I had really similar symptoms last week and got my hopes up, but my af is due 29th and now all my symptoms have stopped already and i feel a bit deflated to be honest!!

Hope yours are a good sign though. This ttc game is just a rollercoaster isn't it?!

Good luck to you Liv_Luv_Laff lets hope we both end up in tri 1 soon! :D x
Not wanting to get your hopes up but I got reeeeeeally bad reflux the moment I conceived!! Found out I was preggo 3 May last year and the whole month beforehand I suffered so bad I was back and forth to the docs thinking there was something really wrong lol I didn't even think about being pregnant, even though we were trying we literally had just started so it didn't even occur to me I'd fall pregnant so easily!!

Keeping fingers and toes crossed for you xxxxxx
thanks hun, thuis afternoon i've also started having this little sharp crampy pains in my stomach -either left or right sporadically not really all over like period cramps.. could it be implantation? i think i'm roughly a week since ovulating.. no spotting as of yet but wet clear CM... ah cant help but get excited even though It probably won't lead to anything.. please everybody cross their fingers and toes, really need this BFP now :( xxx

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